Just checking in..and Merry Christmas

Mike / Tx

New member
Its been a while since I've been around. Life just seemed to take over and WOW it's already the end of the year. This one has been a ride, bypass surgery last Thanksgiving followed by knee replacement in March. Then along about June or so my wife experienced heart issues as well. Sure make you stop and put things into perspective.

Anyway I hope to get back in here and show off some or help out with the newer casters. I have a couple of new molds and pistols to try them out on.

Hope you all have a great and safe Christmas and New Years. I'll see you soon with some new boolits....
Merry Christmas friend and in the words of a great philosopher---"Getting old ain't for sissies".

Stay strong and be happy.

Hi Mike! Glad to see you back on the boards. I need to cast some more too. I'm finally getting down to the last few boxes of my stash and I do have some new calibers to try out too. I just picked up a .41 Mag BH last night and will be trying that caliber out now. And I'm fairly new into the .44-40 area and am learning about cast in those too.
Merry Christmas and let's have a great Casting New Year!! :):)
Just give me a holler if you want to give some of the Mihec models I have in 41 a try. I also have a HG 258 as well that shoots great. I can fix you right up buddy.

I'm not however responsible for you buying anymore molds...:D
I might do that. I do have one NOE .41 mold that I picked up a couple of years ago, just for an occasion such as this. It's the Keith SWC that NOE ran in a group buy one time and I just went ahead and got it in every caliber he made. ;) As soon as I get my dies and some brass, I might hit you up. Have a great week!

You might look into loading the .41 Special while you're playing. Starline has the brass and loads are out on the interweb.
I just ordered a case of brass from Starline. I probably only needed about half a case, but that's the deal it comes in. I'm sure I can move the other half on some forum. And I have a set of dies on the way from FSReloading. I'll be .41'ing soon enough. :) Everybody always says it's a wonderful caliber. Now I'll find out.