Just bought an FN/FAL

Dave AA

New member
It's a STG-58 on an IMBEL receiver. It did not want to feed manually until I gave it a good cleaning. It was apparently stored for quite some time and had some sort of old preservative in the nooks and crannies. This is my first rifle that's not a M16/AR-15, so I'm lost as to it's intricities. I can't turn the gas adjustment, but I don't know if I'm missing something. I plan to take it out tommorrow and fire it. anything I should be looking out for?
I have the answers to your FAL prayers. They are at:


Make sure you read the FAQ before posting to the discussion board. These guys can get pretty pissy when they have to answer questions already covered in the FAQ.

Download the FAL manual, as issued to troops, from this site. It's pretty good, covering such things as gas system adjustment, lube points, and zero procedure.

The Imbel receiver is about as good as it gets, concerning FAL's, in this country. Once you have it figured out, you'll find it to be very well thought out and simple, though rugged.

Strange, the gas regulator sleeve should turn by hand. There is also a combo tool that may help out some.
As Destructo6 said, go to the fal files. Very informative. Been lurking there and on their old board for over a year. Also used to lurk at www.newifd.com in their fal section. Www.arizonaresponsesystems.com has workbook shareware that can be downloaded. Very well worth the price. I'd also suggest getting his video. Not very good videography but the subject material is worth the price also IMHO.
Jam Jam Jam! It's in the shop now. failure to feed, failure to fire, failure to extract, failure to go into battery, etc etc etc etc......, at least it was fairly accurate when it did manage to go into battery and fire. Oh well. I already have downloaded and read all info from the aforementioned sites, however I am not a gunsmith, so most of the info was not very helpful anyway.

[This message has been edited by Dave AA (edited October 11, 1999).]
it sounds like your rifle was not cleanrd properly. even if non-corrosive (military surplus) ammo was used it still must be cleaned. the problem's you are having with the gas adj, will effect the operation of your gun. you should take the gas piston out and look it over as well as the rest of your gun as well. any sign's of green or off color residue are sign's of corrosion. i had put away one of my fn's after shooting surplus non-corrosive ammo, and just gave it a bore cleaning (figuring hey non corr. ammo right) wrong. checked it on a whim and lo and behold the start of creeping crud on the piston as well as the gas adj. these are very nice rifle's but require tlc after shooting. unless you stick to american mfg ammo a good cleaning should be a rule of thumb. when i shoot my ar if i have shot mil/surplus stuff i do a thorough cleaning on it as well.