Just bought a Posness/Warren 800b


New member
So I did it, got a P/W 800b in a garage sale deal. What is fair market value of this if it's in good using condition?

I'll tell you what I paid later after a few opinions.

You did ok. A quick check online for used P-W 800b shows prices higher than that by 20% and more. The least expensive that I saw was $359.00. (And then add shipping)
Got it home

Degunked it , it's starting to index now and seems to work properly and all parts intact. Now I need to get powder and shot bushings and give her a try.
Looks like fun and fast. Won't take long to do a hundred shells.
Good luck with that

Cheap lead shot? Ya right. There are a few guys making their own, due to the high cost of lead.
Whoda thunk it?

I'm a MEC fan myself, my darn near ancient Grabber can really crank em out. I have gathered the parts and pieces to add either a hydraulic or Pneumatic power source to my Grabber.

I picked up a way cool little Japanese hydraulic pump and controls that was part of an old X-ray system that I sell.

I also have a bunch of air cylinders and valves. I'm thinkin Hydraulic tho. Am starting to put my shop together now, a corner of which will be dedicated to my reloading.
The 880 B was my first real reloader bought it new from a dealer $375.00 out the door .
Clean used 0nes are not much cheaper . The adjustments are a bunch different then the newer PW,s but once set will not change much if at all .