Just bought a handgun


New member
I just purchased a handgun from a dealer in California. After I filled out the form, he called somewhere and told them all of the information that I had filled out, including make and model of the gun and serial number. Did he call the CA DOJ, or was that the new NICS system?
Did you walk out with it?

I suspect it was NICS. They never called CA DOJ before, just took your money and the papers and said come back in 15 days

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
I don't know how it works in CA.. Several states (more than 30, I think or maybe it was more than 30 by the end of this year...) are going with an Internal system, rather than contacting the FBI directly.
If you had been here in TN, the call would've been to Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. TBI runs the check. This allows TBI to keep detailed records and charge a fee. Both of which the feds cannot do. I wonder if TBI would withhold the information if the ATF/FBI/ETC called and asked for it.. I doubt it.

I didn't walk out with it. I have to wait my 10 tens and make sure I'm 'cooled' down. I'm still not quite sure what I'm supposed to be excited about (except getting a new handgun).

Most dealers in California have a direct computer link with a contractor for the DOJ that processes the information. The dealer
you dealt with may not have had one and had to give the info over the phone.
I just bought a Glock 34 from Turners. After filling out the famous yellow sheet (no, I'm not a mental patient...no, I've got no felonies...), the clerk proceeded to ask me the same questions to which I had to answer verbally. After finishing with the computer, it proceeded to print something out with the state seal on it. Jokingly, I asked if the computer found me guilty of any felonies. I assumed that the printout was from the NIBC. The clerk told me that no, it wasn't from them, and that Kalifornia "didn't buy into the background check." I'm assuming he meant CA doesn't do the checks. Is that correct?
California has to do the "A" Check, but not necessarily through the FBI. He must have meant that CA is doing its own state level check (which probably means they are keeping a list and charging a fee) like TN.
The D.R.O.S stands for Dealer Record of Sale. That's the form that the Cal. Dept of Justice uses for its background check. And yes, all handguns are registered at the state level using the info from the form. California still uses its own system (with a 10 day wait) instead of the Federal one.
speaking of DROS fees. Did you guys know the new DROS for a firearm transfer is 60$(CA at least)? Ouch!
18 for the DROS? I only paid 14 dude you got ripped off. I hate the 10 day cooling off period. I don't get it. Criminals don't have to wait 10 days to get their weapons y do I? Oh yeah cuz i'm a law abiding citizen and might go do something stupid after staying felony free for twenty years.

Actually, the receipt says "D.R.O.S. Fee (14.00 + 4.00)" Don't know what the + 4 stands for. Since I can't pick it up till 10 days later, they printed the receipt out as a layaway. Now that I think about it, if that $4 comes because the clerk put it as a layaway, that will be last time I'll shop there, and the manager will definitely find out. I paid for it right then and there.

If Turner's is trying to make money on the DROS, then that does constitute a ripoff.
Oh, and since someone mentioned it...

I hate the 10 day cooling off period!!!!! I can understand why it exists, but look at it from a financial perspective.

If you paid for it in cash, you incurr an opportunity cost because that's $$$$ that could be used on something else or could've gained interest in those ten days.

If you paid for it on credit (and you don't pay it off completely ASAP), you have to pay interest on it.

But then again, it's only money.