'Just beat the rain....


New member
It is supposed to rain here most of the weekend, but I did find time early this morning to add to my little boolit army. It's quite a slow go with the one-holer, but it's kinda relaxing too. I could hear thunder in the distance the entire time, but it let me cast enough to make me happy this morning. :)



What is this "RAIN" you speak of.......

Geeze it was 80 here this morning when we got up at 04:00, and we were only 2 degrees from setting another record high. It sure ain't looking good for mid July and Aug when it really gets warm.

You keep throwing that adjustable HP mold out there don't you. I have one, well two come to think of it, here somewhere that I might have to send over to Eric. The more I see yours, the more I want too.

If my last attempt to whittle out a pin for my Devastator mold wasn't such a dismal waste of time I would just do that again. It's simply just too hard to hit the perfect diameters using a bolt, a file, and a drill press for a lathe.

It's way too hot to screw with it now, maybe this fall around Nov. when it is only in the mid 80's....