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Just a suggestion...

User Name

New member
Could we get the "file links" (for lack of a better phrase..this thing: TheFiringLine Forums > The Conference Center > Suggestions, Questions and Tech Support) posted at the bottom of the page also, the same as the top. It would make navigation after reading a page full of posts easier. That way we wouldn't have to scroll all the way back to the top just to go back to the page we want.
Just a thought
Hacks are not pleasant in VBulletin. The software has grown so fast and has so many features that it's never as simple as just adding a line of code. And with 4-6 updates every year, the problem of tracking and tweaking such hacks becomes real problematic.

We don't mind looking into hacks that fix misfunction. Beyond that, we're pretty conservative. Having been the first major Board of this kind to adopt vBulletin, we've been around it more than 5 years and know the constraints.

That way we wouldn't have to scroll all the way back to the top just to go back to the page we want.
That's not inconvenience. Inconvenience is having to walk 3 miles just to get to the range; in the snow; uphill; both ways!
Mr. Name, I understand your frustration, but I better understand Rich's. Hacks are not easy to keep track of. You might want to post over at vBulletin.com and give them your suggestion. It's a good one. Oh, and while you're at it, ask them to put the "Thread tools" at both ends of a thread as well.

In the meantime, remember that thing you use to post your text with? You know, the keyboard? Use it for more than just typing. When I need to get back to the top of a page quickly, I just hit the "Home" key. Much quicker than almost any scroll technique you can name.

I spend about nine hours a day in front of a computer. I'm embarassed to admit it, but I never knew what the 'home' and 'end' keys did. I just never use them!

'Print Screen' I've tapped once or twice to get a screen shot. 'Scroll Lock' and 'Pause/Break'; never.

I now have newfound feelings of power over the Magic Elf Box*.


*Magic Elf Box is a registered trademark of LawDog Files, Inc.

I spend about nine hours a day in front of a computer. I'm embarassed to admit it, but I never knew what the 'home' and 'end' keys did. I just never use them!

Ditto! Well, make that 12 hours most days. I use End and Home extensively in documents and spreadsheets, but didn't know what they'd do in a browser window.