Just a few newbie questions about finishes.



I have a few questions about finishes...

I'm going to be getting a Ruger Redhawk 44M 5in, (along with, probably a Super Blackhawk)
and I'm wondering if I should get blued or stainless...? :eek:

I, personally, like the look of blued... Even more so when it's worn, heh.
I own a 1974 Security-Six that looks like hell, and god damn I love it. :D

I'm worried about rust, though. Especially, on the gun thats going my baby. :(, Well, second.
I live in southern New Hampshire, and the weather changes often.

Will blued be a problem? I don't mind going with stainless, and I
like the look of stainless, as well...

Stainless just seems more simple and plain, too... Another +1.

Does your blued Security Six live with you now? How's it doing? Seems like you might be the best person to answer the question.
It doesn't really have any rust, though. :cool:
Only tiny spots on the trigger and hammer. :eek:

I'm wondering, basically, if stainless is a better choice. :confused:
Especially for rust. :(
Hello folks.™

Stainless steel can still rust. Sweat is a fine eroder.

In terms of blued or stainless, get what you like best.

Both will rust with time.

P.S. Get what you like best...it always works. :)