Junk Yard Wars

Nestor Rivera

New member
Did any of you see "junk yard wars" it was on the Learning Channel last night kind of cool a bunch of brits (I think) making stuff out of parts in a junk yard. They did 2 shows first make an Air Plane (1 made a Hang glider and the other team use REAL PLANE parts, I will with hold the winner so if you want to watch it in re-run) but the second show was building a CANNON (note this was in England who'd beileve it) 2 teams made a gun each one use BP and the Other used cordite. both guns were preaty neat the BP team went classic and the Cordite team used a "semi-recoiless" or floating breach design.

All in all a very intertaing show
Thatw what I like ingenuity..........
Ive a friend that created what he and his co-creator called their "terrible tube" just to see what would happen, by all accounts it was quite impressive and accurate as well.....back when americans werent afraid to invent...lol..fubsy.
Yeah I watched it until 2:00 am. What a hilarious treat. I especially liked the setting - like a refined Mad Max.
The cannon stuff was a real blast and I was surprised that the military team lost.
Will be looking for more of those.
