Junk Mail and HCI


New member
Yesterday, we received a real tearjerker letter, contribution soliciatation,and combined congressional petition to Lott/Hastert from HCI, "signed" by The Sainted Sarah of Brady.

Rather than simply trashing this epistel, our first inclination, the following seemed more appropriate, to say nothing of appealing to my mischevious nature. We indicated that we would not contribute the proverbial "plugged nickel", and annotiated the petitions to the effect that the addressees should not pay attention to this Brady woman.

Finally, along with about 4 oz. of cut up newspapers, we stuffed the entire mess into their First Classa Business Reply Envelope, which I suppose they will have to ransom from the P.O.

It might not amount to much, however it will cost HCI some money, and perhaps cause some of the "sweet young things", male and or female who volunteer their time and such, to have a second or first thought.

In any event, it slightly brightened, and otherwise dull day.
In my younger, nastier and smoking days, I found that the contents of a well-filled ashtray, including chewed up pumpkin seed shells and ciggie butts, along with a couple of wheel weights for added weight, generally reduced their desire to send me their fund-raising crap.

When I sent them my SASE for my request of their expediture itemization, I also requested back issue stuff and mission statement. Wanna bet it's too expensive for my .33 stamp? You actually cause them more trouble in handling and materials when you make them handle it twice. I used to work for a print mail firm, and it was worth putting twice the postage on many items to keep from having to handle and deal with the returns.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

I was taught to tape the envelope to a box of bricks before sending it off; First Class of course.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Gary, The problem with the envelope taped to a brick idea is that the USPS now dumps anything that would not be of close to the "normal" weight, such as a brick. Also, there are new regulations that require any package over a certain weight be brought to the P.O. to be mailed. I am sure a brick meets or exceeds that weight.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"