Jungle 'conversion'


Just spent the better part of a week wringing out the 'Jungle' conversion of an Enfield No. 4 Mk. I. Great fun, and bore is now very nice, sharp, and clean. I fired one three round group WITH BALL that measured 1.25". A good rifle, and a bit of luck. Fired a total of 150 rounds of surplus ball, WW, and Hornaday 150 grain light mag last Friday. The Light Mag has a sharp report, and shoots low compared to the ball. I suspect this is due to higher MV and less barrel-time.

.303 'Jungle' carbine
Spec military sights
10 round box magazine
Seems to hold zero very well, since it does not have No. 5 lightening cuts in barrel and Knox Form on receiver.
NO 'pod: I previously attached pod but it felt ungainly. As to the COL's admonition about hitting targets, I can still hit an E-type silhouette at 400m prone, supported. E-types are LOTS smaller than most 400 kg targets I know. I'll defer re-attaching a 'pod for a while.
Ching Ring is next add.
Leupold or Tasco LER scope on the horizon.
I've got my wallet-eye set on a (CS) sling, too!
Weight sans scope/ring is 6.0. We should make the 3.5 kilogram setpoint OK.
Total invested so far is $250. This includes re-parkerizing.

I'd love a Steyr, but this a great start and allows me to find my mettle w/ the Concept.

I also wish to express my thanks for everyone's input and responses. You've helped me learn a great deal very quickly.

OK Geoff B: here comes the 'Tanker' for your wizardry! (Incoming in about a month or so)

Train like you fight: second place is not an option.
I've got one of these too. Navy Arms? Anyway, keep us posted on your scout project. I really like the clean lines the way it is, but I might be tempted to get another for conversion if your scout turns out well.

Personal weapons are what raised mankind out of the mud, and the rifle is the queen of personal weapons. The possession of a good rifle, as well as the skill to use it well, truly makes a man the monarch of all he surveys.
-- Jeff Cooper, The Art of the Rifle