July 4

So, who's shooting what on July 4th? I may haul out my beer car mortar and launch a few brewskis (actually soda cans filled with plaster).

Many years ago, and after a m.l. shoot back in Minnesota, a good friend brought out a little mortar he just got to show me how it worked. He set it up, poured in a heaping capful of 2fg (cap that was on the can of GOEX) for the charge, and dropped a Campbell's soup can filled with concrete down the bore for the projectile. He set a fuse, lit it, and we stepped back. I couldn't believe how far that can launched out and up in the clear blue! He also had a streamer attached to the base of the can so you could track very well its path up and over the range. It gave me a whole sobering perspective (no, we didn't have a beer until after...) on how powerful black powder really was/is.

What do you suppose a heaping capful of powder weighs? Hundred grains? Hundred and 10? Unbelievable how far that can traveled.
I've still got some powder left in my old horn, might have to take my plains rifle down there to the crik and take some shots. Won't be on the 4th tho, probably this Sunday.
I used to load up several 12 ga cartridge blanks of 90 grs BP rammed down hard with filler wads and blast them off on the 4th and New Years eve. Now that I have 3 dogs, two of which require sedation for the noise I have ceased the festivities.
I may drag out my big cannon for the 4th.
Well my only cannon, shoots a load of 30 cal steel slingshot ammo with 10 grains of black powder.
At work a guy found these on the web, Pocket Cannons they're called, a half dozen of us ordered them.
I usually use an empty 9mm case full of powder and a cereal box wad under the steel ball. Makes a pretty healthy bang, and the kids laugh.
Never got the point of the little cannons, why not just use a rifle or musket and load it with a wasp nest instead of a ball?
Measure first, then into the tea bag. I haven't tried this theory out yet. I'd imagine it would work. The cannon has inline ignition.
I'll be shooting my cannon, once each hour starting at Noon. Still working-up blank charges, so I will be trying 1.5oz of 2F w/ varying amounts of flour.

Boom! Big bada-boom!!

FrontierGander - A race to the bottom!!!

For $400, if someone lacked storage space on their computer, they could buy an add-on usb hard drive and dedicate it to their photo collection where it would be safe from the cloud raiders.

I think Photobucket is playing with fire here.

They will end up driving long time users into the arms of competitors and alternate storage methods.

Bye-Bye Photobucket, its been good to know you.
Will visit Mrs Seamus' wife's family today to shoot some fireworks. I always bring my .44 caliber brass cannon. Looks like a circa 1776 field piece; about a 7 inch barrel. Makes a very satisfying BOOM with about 30-40 grains of Goex 3f and a wonder wad. Basically a fuse operated single shot pistol on wheels.

I'd post a picture but I don't have $400 on me!
welcome to the photobucket $400 scam.

I'm just about done with photobucket myself. I can't hardly go to my account to get a link for one of my stored photos without having to wait in a popup ad traffic jam.

Anyone have suggestions for a better picture hosting site?
I am unable to view anyone's photos on Photobucket because I refuse to turn off my ad blocker so they shut me out. Screw them! (No offense to those who use photobucket)
shooting the mortar fireworks for the kids had me thinking " now how do I make these??" The ones I bought had a PVC launch tube. They were about 1.5" in diameter and about 4 inches long. They had one heck of a report, lots of BOOM. My Dad Lives 200 yards behind be and after I launched the first one I got a call. "GOOD LORD SON, WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THERE"?? LOL