July 25th, what's in YOUR pot?


New member
It's drippy. Really drippy here. We got 2-1/2" of rain yesterday and everything is a little flooded. But I picked up a discontinued Lyman mold this week and am anxious to test 'er out. I have to load a LOT of .45 Colt shells for Mom today. I think she plans on wearing out her new Peacemaker before Christmas.:rolleyes: But I do have this nifty new (to me) 452488 4-cav that I want to try. I think they'll look just awesome when powdercoated, and from others they report to be great shooters too.
Interesting mold there Beagle. Let us know how it goes as it look like a premium bullet for a revolver. I have to wonder how it would feed in a semi though.

I just finished casting 400 Lyman 358495 wadcutters and now I gotta fire up the powder coater and get er' done.

The initial test fires of this bullet yesterday proved fantastic with a chosen load of 3.3gr of W231 for my new to me S&W 15-3.

Manufacture 1971
I have to wonder how it would feed in a semi though.
'Beats me. I don't have any .45 semi's. :cool: I'm a wheelgun man.

Nice revolver! That one looks like a lot of fun.
After you test it, post some bent bullet pics for Mike!;)
Well, I got enough shells loaded to hold Mom for about 2 months or better, but it rained this afternoon and I didn't get to cast. Maybe next weekend...... :cool:
I use the truck to lug those buckets of dirt then just roll them off the tail gate onto the top of an old 55 gallon barrel. Works out great, IF you can drive up to them.

Oh and they make this stuff called Brush Killer, man oh man does it ever work on the unwanted ivy sort of stuff. After about a week, just take a rake and pull it out of the way and go for it. Just be careful around your trees. ;)

I have the HG 130 and that design does work well for my so called "Bottom Feeder's". I wouldn't however use them in my 45 Colt, it is simply sacrilegious to use anything less than a 250gr bullet in that caliber. :D Now using a 250gr bullet in my "bottom feeders" that is another story.
LOL @ Mike/TX "bottom feeders!"

I'm ripping that one off and using it liberally wherever I can!

Thanks for the early morning laugh.

Bottom feeders! :)
I don't have a bottom feeder. But I do like my NOE 45-210 BD pretty well! The 45-270SAA is probably my favorite, but these 210's are fun to shoot.


I just picked up a used NOE 454-255 RF yesterday too. It's gonna be a nice fat one! :)
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I can't take credit on that " bottom feeder's", OK Beagle threw that one at me earlier this year. Yep I got a kick outta it too...:D
99° in the shade here today! I don't even know the heat index. 'Gotta be pretty high with all of this humidity. I was going to sort WW...... but I think I'll sip lemonade and watch baseball indoors. I may even size and lube a few. It's definitely too hot to get out the convection oven and PC. I could almost just spray them and set the tray on the hood of the truck to bake. :)
Today was a hot one again. 95° with heat index of 102°:eek:, according to the weather channel. But I did get out and cast a bit. I went to the post office this morning and picked up my new MiHec 430-640 mold and just had to cast some with it. Those group buys drag on for years and I only had two molds for the .44 :)
So here it is, with (left to right) deep HP, penta, short HP and cup point pins installed.

and here are a couple of examples of each:

I cast about 10# of them and might try it again tomorrow. It rained me out at one point and after frantically covering everything, I didn't really want to drag it all back out this evening. I might get a fresh run on it in the morning while it is still less than 95°!:cool:
My blood lead level is a 2. I don't know about the lead level in my head!
But I'm gonna get back out there today! Weekend still only come once a week, right? I gotta get my recreatin' done when I can. School starts back this week, so I go back to working two jobs. After a week of leaving the house at 4:30am and getting home sometime after 5pm, I'm going to spend my weekends outdoors in almost any weather.
Let's get to castin'!:D
First up today!

The NOE 454-255RF. This certainly is an easy casting bullet. I bought this 2-cav mold from a buddy and I do believe that I'll be watching for one of the next 15%off NOE sales and get a 4 or 5 cav of this one! It's a whomper with a beautiful expanse of bearing surface and they just jump out of the mold with hardly any culls. :) I just dumb-lucked into a good one here!

I just dropped a few to see how they sized and since they turned out so well, I'm going to go pour a whole pot of these. :)

