Judge Tosses NRA Appeal


New member
NRA lawyers asked the judge to rule out the assignment of an overseer to monitor NRA financial operations and to discard the recoupment of millions from Wayne La Pierre.

In a blow to the NRA, a Manhattan judge has given New York Attorney General Letitia James the green light to continue seeking two hefty penalties — an independent monitor who would oversee the gun lobby's finances, and millions in back-salary from CEO Wayne LaPierre.


"I'd like to set a trial date as soon as I can, subject to one party or another winning on summary judgment," Cohen said.

"Everybody's been working very hard," he added. "My understanding was that things were near the end, which it sounds like is true."

an independent monitor who would oversee the gun lobby's finances

This concerns me although I believe it's needed to a certain degree . The way I've seen "independent" work when it comes to political anything which anything NRA will be does not make me feel better . I don't like the idea if a third party having all the info that comes with knowing where all the money is and is going . As to Wayne .. IMHO he needs to go and if paying back is shown to be warranted then so be it .
The problem with an "independent overseer" is that they may not be any such thing.

Tell me what, if anything, and how anything would stop an independent overseer with a personal agenda from becoming an "independent prosecutor" without officially claiming the title?

NEVER forget the political nature of this matter. The NY AG began by demanding the complete dissolution of the NRA, and pushed for that, until a court ruled that was off the table.

If you think that level of vitriol and fanaticism isn't going to have an influence on whomever is appointed "independent overseer" you have more faith in the system than I do.

LaPierrre, when a court rules so, should absolutely be held personally accountable for what he did, and had done on his authority. I'm not questioning that, at all. I think he did some good work for us in the early years, but if there is a shining example of "absolute power corrupts...." he became one, and should be dealt with accordingly.

Remember that whomever gets appointed to be the independent overseer is going to be human, and unless this case is their very last one before retirement, they are going to have one eye out for their future employment. The people who "hire" them are still going to be there when this case is concluded. If you don't think that can have an impact of their "independence", think again....

It shouldn't, but we don't live in a perfect world, now do we....:rolleyes:
Simply ridding the NRA of Wayne La Pierre will accomplish little, if anything. Other stuff needs to be dealt with.

The method of nominating candidates to the NRA board of directors must be changed. The current policy of a committee of BOD members nominating members for the board has resulted in a gaggle of strap hangers and WLP yes men on the BOD.

NRA board member Joaquin Jackson was interviewed on TV where he shilled for gun control. The BOD continued to nominate Jackson and he was re-elected to the board.


The plundering of the NRA Foundation must be addressed.