Judge Sticks it to Sheriff Over CCW Permit

I wonder if there is such a class at any college near by?

"Sheriff required to take a college level class on the first amendment"
And to keep this on topic, I've received an email from one of my liberal friends about how it's such a travesty of justice when a Sheriff can't deny a local man who is a "kuck-cu" a license to carry. I immediately replied that if the person has an opposing opinion and is expressing it, why should the permit be with held? After all, don't Liberal's consider themselves as the only people fighting to save our Constitutional Rights?

He hasn't replied. He has a Blackberry....so I KNOW he got the return email. :D
Has the Sheriff made any comment?


The Honorable Judge Bennett made a very good statement in his ruling:

Judge Bennett said:
Ironically, Sheriff Weber, sworn to uphold the Constitution, ...

You know, the oath to uphold the Constitution? It looks like the Sheriff actually states that he denied the claimant the permit because of the claimant's exercise of his First Amendment Rights:

Judge Bennett said:
Regardless of the adjective used to describe Paul, however, Sheriff Weber stated that Paul’s ‘lousy’ reputation was due to his political activities of writing letters to the editor and distributing fliers.

Oh man, you gotta watch out for those flier distributors, you never know when one of them might go off the deep end. Especially the ones that write letters to the editor! They obviously aren't functioning members of a democratic society!

Judge Bennett also tells it exactly like it is:

Judge Bennett said:
"In doing so, this popularly elected Sheriff, ... , blatantly caved in to public pressure and opinion

The First Amendment: protecting speech most people agree with since 1789 :rolleyes:
Fist amendment

I thought that only applied if you had a printing press.

Sorry just had to say that.
Good for the judge, too bad it had to go that far. Wonder what the legal fees were?
WTG, Judge Bennett! Dorr may be a thousand times the kook and nutcase that Sheriff Weber said he was. Unless he had a pattern of violent behavior or making threats of violent behavior, or there were other grounds for a reasonable person to conclude that he posed a danger to the public if allowed to carry, however, his being a kook is irrelevant.

Pity we can't come up with a human Xerox and make copies of this judge. We could use some like him in many parts of this country.
A victim of profiling.

: the act or process of extrapolating information about a person based on known traits or tendencies. Specifically, the act of suspecting or targeting a person on the basis of observed characteristics or behavior. Merriam Webster.