I can't say anything about the specific model you are wanting, but they are good guns. Just for a heads up, cheap place for 000 is Walmart in Federal. The action is reliable and I've never experienced a problem while shooting a Judge. I've shot anything from cowboy action loads, soft points, and ballistic tipped rounds in .45lc. And I've shot pretty much every kind of .410 shell. I haven't tried pdxi yet, but have a box to try. I love Federal 000 in 3 inch, they have 5 pellots, and the 2 1/2 inch ones have 4 pellots. I suggest staying away from Remington ammo, I've had quality issues. I like Winchester ammo, never had an issue. The same goes for .45lc. If you want a speedloader, 5starfirearms.com sells them. In .45lc, the Circuit Judge guns are very accurate. I've shot the stems off of the tops of pumpkins, done it a few times. And when when shooting small shot, they pattern tighter than expected. And with 000 at around 20 yards all of the pellots are within a square foot, probably a little less. I'd really like to get a 6 inch barreled revolver. The only negative things I've heard about anyone are from people that haven't even shot a Taurus Judge.