Judge blocks Philadelphia gun control laws


New member

Way to go NRA!! They have brought a lawsuit against Philadelphia and the judge has put a temporary restraining order on the city until the case can be argued.

April 17, 2008

A judge has temporarily blocked Philadelphia from enforcing its new gun-control laws.

Common Pleas Judge Jane Cutler Greenspan said her temporary restraining order will maintain the status quo until the case is argued.

The National Rifle Association said that state law specifically prevents municipalities from regulating guns.

City lawyers argued that Philadelphia can pass supplemental laws. The new ordinances include a requirement to report theft or loss of a gun within 24 hours. They also ban the possession or sale of assault weapons and limit purchases to one firearm per month.

Cutler Greenspan will hold a hearing on the case on April 28.

Philadelphia District Attorney Lynne Abraham said the state Supreme Court has already made it clear that Philadelphia can't make its own gun laws.
Hillary isn't going to like that. Last night in the debate she was praising the mayor of Philadelphia and the citys' new gun laws and citing them as examples to follow.
Problem with the 24 hour requirement is: what if you don't realize a gun was lost or stolen for days or weeks. You're then in violation of the law and subject to problems in addition to having lost your firearms.
Yesterday Lynn Abraham the DA told the press that she would not prosecute anyone arrested for a violation of these laws, since they are unconstitutional and null and void. BTW Abraham is as anti as they come, but she knows her duty as an elected District Attorney and the highest ranking LEO in the City.

Abraham knows she could be disbarred as could the DDAs that workfor her.

The police chief said he would order his officers to arrest people anyway.

Will the Judge throw him in jail for contempt of court along with mayor Nut Ter?

You can be sure if you or I violated a court order we would be behind bars fast enough to set our heads spinning.:mad:
She thinks it praiseworthy for some nutter to blatantly violate the laws of one of our 50 states yet thinks she should hold the highest office of our country???? Maybe old Mayor Berry wasn't the only one smoking crack in Washington.
The new ordinances include a requirement to report theft or loss of a gun within 24 hours.

Ha! I'd drive APD crazy LOL...

Hey Ken, before I write the report, did you check the laundry basket?

WildummmmmAlaska TM
The police chief said he would order his officers to arrest people anyway.
Let him. Might be entertaining to see him on the pointy end of a "deprivation of civil rights under color of law" criminal prosecution.
Might be entertaining to see him on the pointy end of a "deprivation of civil rights under color of law" criminal prosecution.

Screw that...that requires action by beauracrats...

Now one could drive 'em crazy civilly *insert evil grin*

WildothefunAlaska TM
You should never not know where your guns are located.
There IS a such thing as responsible gun ownership.

Bad idea. Example, you're away for the weekend. Someone breaks into your house and steals a few. 3 days later you find out.

Now maybe the law states 24 hours AFTER you find out instead of the actual incident, I don't know.
Now maybe the law states 24 hours AFTER you find out instead of the actual incident, I don't know.

It probably does, but its far more fun to rail about a law without reading it ;)

WildimtestytonightAlaska TM
The law does state that 'clock starts ticking', as it were, after you realize the theft. It doesn't seem that bad of a law given that one of philly's most prolific straw purchasers use the "that gun was stolen" excuse on something like 20 guns that ended up used in crimes (according to a report in the Philadelphia Inquirer a few months back).

I guess a lot of gun owners feel that the law is just an attempt to slowly chip away at gun rights and maybe they are correct. Just this law by itself doesn't bother me.

From a press conference:

"If there are wholesale arrests which turn out to be illegal, this city is going to get its pants sued off them," [District Attorney Lynne] Abraham said.
