Judge agrees to take Clinton disbarment case


Staff Alumnus

LITTLE ROCK, Arkansas (CNN) -- A Circuit Court Judge in Little Rock has agreed to take the disbarment case filed against President Clinton, a court official tells CNN.

Pulaski County Circuit Court Judge Leon Johnson has decided to accept the case after four other judges recused themselves because of connections to Clinton, said Sherry Bruno, a supervisor in the court clerk's office. Johnson had been weighing whether to accept the case since July 5th.

The lawsuit filed by the Arkansas Supreme Court Committee on Professional Conduct last month says Clinton is unfit to practice law in Arkansas because of his deceptive testimony about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky when the president was questioned during the Paula Jones sexual harassment case.

Johnson was appointed to the court by Republican Gov. Mike Huckaby to fill a vacancy which expires at the end of this year.

Judge Johnson will be replaced January 1st by attorney Willard Proctor --a Democrat -- who is running unopposed for the post. It is unclear because of the court schedule whether the Clinton case will be heard by Judge Johnson -- or his successor.