Jr. Bush, Liddy D, Kasich, Lamar, B. Smith, etc.

Exiled And Addicted

Retired Screen Name
If you know, please share any and all info on the views regarding gun control, RKBA, etc., of any Repub. candidates for Pres. in 2000.

As you know, New Hampshire and Iowa primaries can end up being for all the marbles for the nomination (and ANYONE would be better than Algore). So, we need to be fully informed well before the primaries in those states, so we can inform gun owners there, and also support the right candidate there among non-gunowners. I like Liddy Dole, but as a woman (her, not me), I am very concerned about her RKBA position (women can be oh-so-ridicously-squeemish about guns). I liked Lamar last time (thought he was the only one who could have beat Klinkton), though I never got a full picture of his GC views. Luckily this time there are many "winnable" options. Praise God, Allah, etc. for that.

Incidentally, did you catch Jesse "The Mind" this weekend on "Meet the Press"? This guy won on a Reform Party ticket, and speaks my language! He would support a Reform Party candidate in 2000 (Preferably NOT Perot), and so would I, provided s/he protects Bill of Rights freedoms. Jesse got drilled by Tim Russert about applying for a CCW permit. He wasn't exactly pro-CCW; he basically hedged; he said basically "Look, it only makes sense. I'm the chief LEO in Minnesota; I'm the head of the state police; there are times that my protection is not with me; I just got a death threat last week. But it's just a piece of paper. It doesn't mean I actually carry a firearm regularly". Then Russert asked jokingly "So you're not 'packing heat' right now?" Jesse: "No." Tim: "O.K., Thank goodness." (to paraphrase).

So what's up with these candidates? Thanks. And you never now when Pat Buchanan might throw his hat in....

[This message has been edited by Exiled And Addicted (edited February 22, 1999).]
Well, I know that George Bush Jr. signed in the conceal carry law here in Texas. Personally I like him better than I liked his Dad. Mainly because he pulled out of Iran too early. I understand why he did it (part of the bargin, didn't want to risk any more American boys' lives) but I felt we left the job un-done. There is no doubt in my mind we will have to go back in force evenetually. Don't know about the other canadiates.
Errr...Tex? You mean IraQ, right?

Other than that, ya, Bush Jr. isn't a nightmare. He might be *very* good; while the first implementation was one of the "worst" shall-issue systems out there, it wasn't TOO bad...didn't have serial numbers of guns linked to the permit, for starters. You have that stupid "qualify with a revolver and can't carry a slidegun" deal, but it doesn't really screw up defense ability...just a pain.

Bush Jr. made noises about WANTING to sign shall-issue, and that's pretty damn good. Then he actually did so. Ventura is saying the same thing now in MN, "gimme something to sign"...he's got a bug up his butt about "yearly qualification" but...hell, lots of people don't get enough range time in. That doesn't mean the gov't should mandate it but...hell, I'd take a shall-issue system in California that required shooting a PD-grade course of fire if that's what it took to pass one. It'd be a DAMN sight better than what's up now.

Jim March
I like Bush Jr. Assuming he doesn't change course somewhere along the line, I believe he'd be a good president for gun rights.
You boys have very short memories, does anyone remember Silverado Savings? Only the largest bank robbery in history. The Bush gang got away clean! Your still paying for it!



Damn, he's right...except, WHICH Bush kids were involved? I remember a discussion not long after, somebody was saying it was either the TX or the FL Bushling that was in that puke up to his eyeballs...but damned if I can recall which was clean. Now that OB brings it up, I think it was the TXer?

Methinks we oughta sort that out. Pronto.

Jim March