JPFO on H.R. 418, with references


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To Whom It May Concern:

Re the above mentioned, did you, in any way at all, "contact" your congress critters to express opposition to this proposal, or to even comment on any aspect of it? Will you contact your U.S. Senators? The liberties that might thereby be saved are YOURS!!!!.

Respecting the strange "openedness" in H.R. 418, reference to "minimum standards" and such, that is a characteristic of some legislation, as memory serves, the GCA'68 contained the following verbage. Just look at all the wonderfull stuff brought us law abiding types by these weasel words. "and The Secretary, or his delegate shall promulgate regulations ....."

Does that set alarm bells ringing, if it doesn't, it should.

America's Aggressive Civil Rights Organization

February 11, 2005


On Thursday, February 10, the U.S. House of Representatives
passed a bill so filled with horrors that it makes a George
Romero zombie movie look like "The Muppets Take Manhattan."

"The Real ID Act" (H.R. 418
sponsored by Rep. James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin, has
something in it to make everybody fear for their freedom.

* Liberals hate it because if it becomes law it would force
political asylum-seekers to prove the motivations of their
persecutors (literally, an impossible task).

* States-rights advocates hate it because it gives the
federal government power to determine who can get drivers
licenses and how those licenses will be issued.

* Civil libertarians hate it because in addition to being
the next giant step to a true national ID card, it calls
for limitless information about us all to be placed in vast
Homeland Security databases.

* EVERYONE should hate it because it allows the Department
of Homeland Security to suspend laws -- and then forbids
the courts to redress this savage abuse of government

* And gun-owners in particular should hate and fear it
because it's yet another back door to enable the federal
government to steal our right to keep and bear arms.

Here are two articles on the bill.

This one deals primarily with the ID provisions:

This one covers many of the bill's horrors and also
explains how the ID provisions are harsher than those that
were passed into law just two months ago:

In what way does another, stricter, tighter national ID
bill threaten your right to own guns? As our friends at Gun
Owners of America wrote

"Since you need a driver's license to purchase a gun from a
dealer, this will give BATFE the expanded ability to impose
even greater forms of gun control -- something which it has
long coveted. This will become even more apparent if an
anti-gun Democrat like Hillary Clinton wins the presidency
in 2008."

Do you look forward to the day when the federal government
might deny you a driver's license? Or the day when your use
of a license in a gun shop creates an instant Homeland
Security database entry on you?

Do you look forward to being profiled as a "gun nut" and a
security risk because of your purchases? Do you look
forward to the day when the federal government not only
knows every gun owner but has the means to track our
activities in realtime as we work, shop, bank and perform
the growing number of activities tied together by one big
ID system?

HR 418 has the strong-armed support of the White House.
Nearly every Republican in the House voted for it. The U.S.
Senate is the only thing standing between us and this house
of horrors -- and sponsors are already conniving to attach
HR 418 to a "must pass" piece of legislation.


This is what we get -- once again -- for trusting either,
or any, political party. This is the way "business as
usual" works. It *doesn't* work for freedom. This is what
we get when we settle on compromise and accept the lesser
of two evils. We get evil.

If you still support these villains with your votes, your
money, or your labor, now is the time to STOP. Be
realistic. Give up the mad hope that "business as usual" or
"reform" will ever produce anything other than the usual --
and growingly horrible -- results.

Gun owners need to withdraw their support from those who
betray them again and again and again. Then we need to
actively band together with every liberty lover whose
rights have been excluded and declared expendable by
political powers (

We need to educate our friends and neighbors and together
create a Bill of Rights Culture to replace the rotten
political culture that is taking over our once free nation.
We need to tell them and SHOW them what's going on in our
country. (

It's your choice. Politics as usual or freedom as it should
be. You can't have both.

The Liberty Crew


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Original Material in JPFO ALERTS is Copyright 2005 JPFO, Inc.
Permission is granted to reproduce this alert in full, so long
as the following JPFO contact information is included:

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
PO Box 270143
Hartford, Wisconsin 53027

Phone: 1-262-673-9745
Order line: 1-800-869-1884 (toll-free!)
Fax: 1-262-673-9746
Rich Lucibella said:

JPFO tells it like it IS.
This is worth getting behind.

I think so too. Question remains is as follows. What the hell will the people out there do, if anything?

February 15, 2005
Hon. Scott Garrett
210 Rt. 4 East
Suite 206
Paraumus, NJ 07652
(Also sent to his D.C. office)

Dear Congressman Garrett,

I know you've long been a proponent of our 2nd Amendment, and Right To Keep and Bear Arms. You're a defender of freedom. That's at least one key reason why you were re-elected. However, I'm writing to you today on a different matter, that of the National ID being proposed in H.R. 418.

This ill-conceived piece of legislation is one more incremental step toward totalitarianism. Every day, we Americans lose more of our privacy and liberty through piecemeal legislation; our personal lives given over to the ever-expanding self-serving nature of government.

Even our respective State governments have become no better than petty thugs, finding ways to abuse power our Founders could never have foreseen, acting as they do, like little miniature versions of the centralized government our forebears so desperately feared. This is particularly so here in New Jersey. I’m sure you’re aware of the situation, so I won’t belabor the point.

Please vote NO on this bill, and kindly work to see that it, nor any other abridgement of our freedom, or burden to our rights, rears its ugly head in the House. Sadly, far too many of your peers see themselves not as defenders and protectors of our rights and freedoms, but generators of rules and regulations to enhance their “perceived value” in a vain bid for job preservation.

To offer a quote from a friend, "Why not give Iraq our Constitution... we're not using it any more?"

Good letter, Rovert. Unfortunately, the House passed this bill last Thursday (February 10). The battle now lies in the Senate.

I don't think this bill has been assigned a new number in the Senate yet. Watch for it and be ready to pounce on your senators by mail. I'm sure that Sen. Lautenberg and Sen. Corzine will read it with interest and take your opinion into account when voting... :barf: Yeah Right! :(

As Blues Man noted, good letter. As he also noted, The House passed H.R. 418, quite handily. You can reach your congress critters D.C. office by dialing (toll free) 1-888-508-2974. The people there will or should be able to tell you which way the guy actually voted, while his local office might not know.

Blues Man is also correct about the battle now being in The Senate. Corzine and Lautenberg are, in my view, both dead losses, however sending e-mail costs nothing but a little time, you have already paid for internet service, using your own computer.

Look out for that old "attach this to some must pass legislation" game. Also, and this would come up way down the line, look out for what happens in "conference committees", and then there are always those ever present Omnibus Spending Bills, where all to often, some conveniently unnamed "staffer" somehow manages to insert all manner of "little noticed" bits into some handy Omnibus Bill.

As Winston Churchill once observed, the people should not be permitted to view the making of sausage or the making of laws, and if our "elected things" could manage, we woudn't view the law making process, for it causes the natives to become antsy.