I joined a couple of months ago. Seems to be a good organization. Also I don't get two letters a week asking for donations.
fal- Yeah, I just noticed that a few days ago. I got a "Mailgram" thing from the NRA, requiring a contribution to have the NRA send mailgrams to each of my reps. I joined NRA, GOA, and JPFO a few months ago, and I haven't heard from JPFO since they sent me the initial (large) membership packet.

I believe I'll split my FOUP refund btwn GOA and JPFO.

I just saw this letter on the JPFO web site a few minutes ago after I signed up as a new member. Does anyone know the status of the law suit? Is this old news?

Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027

Phone (414) 673-9745
Fax (414) 673-9746

Dear JPFO Member,

This is a letter I never wanted to write. Your right to keep and bear arms is in jeopardy in a way that might shock you. It s not another "gun control" law or executive order or UN declaration -- it is a direct attack on JPFO itself. If you believe as I do, that JPFO s ultimate mission is protect your right to armed self-defense, then this attack is on you.

The effort to destroy JPFO has been underway for about a year. Two individuals hired Foley & Lardner, a national law firm headquartered in Milwaukee, to help them do it. You might be saddened to learn that the two individuals are Jay Simkin and Alan Rice.

In 1993 "Gun Control:" Gateway to Tyranny was published, and Jay Simkin was the co-author. In 1994, Lethal Laws was published, and both Mr. Simkin and Mr. Rice were co-authors. (I was also a co-author of both books.) Both books were designed to give you "intellectual ammunition" to preserve firearms ownership.

The verbal understanding between me and Mr. Simkin and Mr. Rice was that all proceeds from selling the two books would go into the JPFO treasury and thereby help the organization disseminate this vital knowledge to the world. Since the publication of the books, that is exactly how JPFO has collected and used the money from the book sales.

There never was any agreement, written or otherwise, to pay anyone a royalty on the sales of these books. Even though they have no rightful claim, Mr. Simkin and Mr. Rice decided to sue JPFO in court to get the "profits" from the book sales.

Recently, Mr. Simkin called a staunch supporter of JPFO and emphatically told him that he and Mr. Rice intend to use the court system to destroy JPFO and then take it over.

I have tried to resolve this dispute quietly, but with Mr. Simkin s admitted intention to destroy JPFO, I can not and should not keep this outrage under wraps. Neither I nor JPFO will be victims of a shakedown by Mr. Simkin and Mr. Rice or the Foley & Lardner law firm.

These two men filed a lawsuit to destroy JPFO --- and that means that they care more about their personal agenda than about the Second Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms. The results of their lawsuit, no matter who "wins," will be to damage JPFO. In effect, they are joining arms with the enemies of liberty like HCI and Charles Schumer -- and working against you.

Today I am asking you to write to these men and their lawyers, and tell them what you think of their lawsuit. Please also pass this information on to others.

Write to:

Jay Simkin
Economics Division
Wellington Management Co.
75 State Street
Boston, MA 02109
FAX: (617) 951-5250

Alan Rice
5 Sycamore Terrace
Springfield, NJ 07081

Mark Foley
Foley & Lardner
777 West Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53233
FAX: (414) 297-4900

Thank you for your loyal support of JPFO. Together we can overcome this threat and continue our war to destroy "gun control" and to preserve our precious Bill of Rights.

Yours in liberty,

Aaron S. Zelman
Executive Director

P.S. If you wish to own either of these books, then you can order Gateway to Tyranny for $22.95, and Lethal Laws for $29.95 postage paid ... before they are permanently taken out of print. The most important thing, however, is that you get the information in these books while there are some left in stock. Get several and donate them to libraries and schools. There probably will not be any more printed -- ever.
