Joshua L. Powell leaves the NRA and writes in support of RFLs and UBCs


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At least that's what Danny Hakim and Maggie Haberman assert in the NYT.

It's fair to wonder whether someone can be principled in opposition to RFLs and UBCs, but then reverse the position in a fit of spite. I found interesting the manner in which LaPierre is condemned.

He describes the NRA’s longtime chief executive, Wayne LaPierre, as a woefully inept manager, but also a skilled lobbyist with a deft touch at directing President Donald Trump to support the group’s objectives, and who repeatedly reeled in the president’s flirtations with even modest gun control measures.

I'm not LaPierre's greatest fan, but this accusation suggests that he was doing an important part of his job.
IIRC, there have been credible (somewhat, at least) reports about a lot more financial skulduggery involving Josh Powell than were mentioned in the article. Which stands to reason -- the book is critical of the NRA and of Wayne LaPierre, so the mainstream media will bend over backwards to paint the author in a good light, irrespective of how bad a slimeball he may actually be.
Ever see a "tell all" book from someone who DIDN'T have their own axe to grind, and wasn't in it for the money???
Joshua Powell is a scoundrel with no credibility. Powell was accused of sexual harassment of an NRA employee in a law suit settled by the NRA. Then the perp was again charged with sexual harassment by an Ack-Mac employee. And there is this:

In June, Robert Brown, an NRA board member, emailed LaPierre and Frazer about Powell. ProPublica obtained a copy of the note, which is addressed to Frazer. “John,” it says, “Since Wayne refuses to respond to my emails, plez pass on to him the message below.”

“Wayne,” the message reads, “At the last NRA BoD meeting, you promised me you were going to terminate that worthless scoundrel, Josh Powell, in 60 days. Well, 60 days have passed. When are you going to fire him?”

The Joshua Powell story, longer than the Dead Sea scrolls:
It will be interesting to see if Powell is a witness in the lawsuits filed by the NY AG and the DC AG. If he is a witness, will his testimony under oath match his claims in his book?
I pay little attention to "tell all's", except for a cursory look. My conclusion is the NRA, with constant 2A attacks, has changed directions years ago, placing itself on a defensive tact, instead of holding itself above the fray and continuing on its mission. The result has been constant infighting, resulting in questioning its viability among members, which I believe to be the desired effect of the anti-2A crowd.
Joshua Powell is one of four individual defendants chosen for special treatment by the New York attorney general. He, along with others, have already been deposed.

Directing the Individual Defendants to account for their conduct in failing to perform their duties in managing the NRA's charitable assets; to pay full restitution to the NRA for the waste and misuse of its charitable assets, including the return of salary received while breaching their fiduciary duties to the NRA, plus interest at the statutory rate; and to pay damages to the NRA arising from the breach of fiduciary duties pursuant to NPCL §§ 720 and EPTL §8-1.4;