Jolie movie poster BANNED!


New member
Anyone else see this?
I guess the advertisements for this movie glorify gun violence.
Posters like this have been banned in the UK because they are so offensive that children's eyes cannot be allowed to fall upon them.

Not that I could give a $*** about Angelina Jolie or her stupid movie, but I sometimes fear this is where we are headed.
Not only can you not have a firearm in England, but now you cannot have a picture of one.
Once B.O. is anointed as our ruler, I believe we will have our 2A rights whittled away until he appoints a few supreme court justices, at which point more thorough bans can begin to be put in place.
Eventually maybe we too will be so fortunate as to not only to live in a society where our government will make our important decisions for us (like healthcare and our retirement funds), and protects us by removing the objects that are murdering our children by the thousands, but we will no longer have to have our minds polluted by vile images of these instruments of death and destruction.:barf:
Maybe we can even get to such an enlightened state, that we will not even have to have our ears besmirched with the word gun; maybe they can just be referred to as "Those things we do not speak of" (has anyone else seen The Village?)
As an aside, I hope the chosen one will eventually work out a system where we no longer even have to worry about having to deal with a paycheck at all. We should simply have them sent directly to Washington and they can take care of putting our money where it really belongs.
All hail The Obamessiah!!
[Image removed.]
Rant over.:)
Mods: I guess you'll probably have to remove that last image, but I had to include it.
That's my little guy by the way - I didn't teach him to flip the bird, for some reason when he's being a crab he does a little scissors thing with his two fingers and when he's being a bee he sticks out his middle fingers. I just had to tell him "show me a bee" and "point 'em at the ceiling".
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Unbelievable! Didn't they try to ban kitchen knives in Scotland? As far as Obama, I really expect the silent majority to speak up in a collective "hell no!" in November.
Well duh, the reason it's banned is because Joli's finger is on the trigger, (that's dude's finger). You know that! Finger off trigger until ready to fire! We should be supporting the ban in an effort to promote the 4 Rules and overall safe gun handling practices. Get on board! :p
You know why her elbow is on her knee? There isn't enough muscle to hold up a .45! ;):D

Sombody pass that girl the mashed potatoes!

It reminds me of an old James Bond poster, can't remember which movie.

My son EXPLODES people on his X-Box or Nintendo. Sorry, not a gamer.
Nono, it's posters that have the antagonist holding a knife, after the knife ban in Britian. Then Baseball (or cricket?) bats. Then hammers, pipe wrenches, screwdrivers, pencils (Dark knight anyone? pencils are weapons now, in case you didn't know), fists, cross words, cross thoughts... etc, until they can arrest you under the assumption that you might one day have a bad thought about someone..
This is stupid and is pretty typical of paranoid British activists, but I'm not sure what it has to do with Obama... I know you guys hate his guts but not every last bad thing in the world is his fault!
After you ban guns and posters whats next, book burning anybody?

Huck Finn and a match any one?

I do fear the UK is becoming a mirror image of what political correctness could do (some might say has done) to the US. I mean, its a freakin' poster.
Posters like this have been banned in the UK because they are so offensive that children's eyes cannot be allowed to fall upon them.
Yet these same people allow nudity on TV and commercials for all to see.:rolleyes: Sex and nudity ok...gun pics evil. Makes sense don't it?:barf:
You should try sitting at a dinner table with polite English company. Many things are banned there as elbows on the table, talking with your mouth full, and slurping your soup.

So what if the English banned this poster? In England and all across Europe, there are many posters displayed that show half naked people which would be banned here in the US in a heartbeat.

We say toe-may-toe...they say toe-ma-toe. Big deal.
So what if the English banned this poster? In England and all across Europe, there are many posters displayed that show half naked people which would be banned here in the US in a heartbeat.

The difference is our Constitution doesn't protect our right to hang nudy posters in public.

Sombody pass that girl the mashed potatoes!

Glad I ain't the only one that doesn't care for scrawny wimmen!
This is stupid and is pretty typical of paranoid British activists, but I'm not sure what it has to do with Obama.
This is what can happen when something is demonized and there's enough wheels out there that squeak loud enough and shrill enough.
They are banning images for God's sake!
They are already doing things here like banning trans-fats, fast food restaurants, smoking, cell phone usage (while driving), paintball guns, etc.
There has already been an "assault weapons" ban here and if B.O. is elected you know that will be on his short list of things he needs to accomplish.
I know what happened in UK has nothing to do with B.O., but the guy is not shy (at least until very recently) that he wants to ban sales of ALL semi-automatic firearms as well as handguns. He also wants to repeal ALL carry laws, which he will do if elected. I don't think he will be able to have individual states carry laws ruled unconstitutional until he appoints a few justices, but he will be able to do it through extortion; just like when the whole nation went to .08 for DWI. They cant make states change their laws, but they can withhold federal funds if states dont comply with their "suggested" course of action.
Make no mistake - if Obama is elected we will see changes in our rights as gun owners (and not for the better).
And thats just guns; we will see the government participate in our lives in lots of new ways.

My point was I think Barack Obama embodies everything the far left is. This is the type of mentality that eventually leads to bad and scary things being banned.
I could go on and on and on, but I need to get some coffee and something to eat.

Since the Obama logo was removed :((not that offensive in my opinion when the context is explained) heres one that is perhaps more acceptable

Barack Obama, Change you can heave in.
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CraigC said:
The difference is our Constitution doesn't protect our right to hang nudy posters in public.

Nor does it protect our right to hang posters showing people with guns. Look at it this way; our government has passed tons of laws restricting cigarette ads, and I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of "concerned citizens" were able to get a movie poster banned for showing an image of a character smoking a cigarette.

Cigarettes, guns, nudity... someone's always offended by something. Europeans are much more scared of guns than we are, but we're much more scared of nudity than they are, so it sort of balances out.

That said, I still think it's effing stupid. There are all sorts of things like this going on elsewhere too... Australia has a de facto ban on violent video games because they won't let anyone publish anything without a rating, and they have refused to institute the equivalent of an "R" rating for games (even though every other form of media has that available). A few years ago, Nissan came out with a video of a Nissan 350Z racing through the streets of Prague (which, I might add, had been blocked off to allow the filming of the video), and that video was banned (not sure which country banned it) because it depicted "illegal speeding."

Ultimate point is that government censorship of anything is bad.
It's not free speech. It's commercial advertizing, and, is therefore held to a different standard, and, I suspect, can be more strictly regulated.
It's not free speech. It's commercial advertizing, and, is therefore held to a different standard, and, I suspect, can be more strictly regulated.

You are absolutely correct, it is by no means a 1A issue; it's just a sad statement on what happens when politicians and activists decide if they dont like something, they should just try to get it banned.
It's even more sad when it is something that is banned or regulated to protect us from ourselves (fast food, smoking, helmet laws, financial decisions, ...).

The other thing that irritates me to no end is the "For the children" arguement that gets used almost universally to justify these types of rules and actions.