Join the Counter March Against Your Rights!!!


New member
-- Texas State Rifle Association Email ---

January 16, 2000

As you may be aware, there is a march taking place in DC this coming Mother's
Day (May 14, 2000) to try to pressure Congress into enacting even stricter gun
control legislation. Mothers from across the USA will be claiming to represent
the women of America and their viewpoints. Though they may be well-intentioned,
they are not well-informed.

There is a group of us women who wish to counter their efforts by having a march
of our own right alongside them. We hope to get numbers that can't help but
receive notice, and also hope that we can provide some education in the process.
What we need is some publicity, and we're hoping to get help from RKBA
organizations such as yours.

Anyone who wishes to find out more can contact:

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