Saturday morning I got up and was flipping through the channels before I went to work. I got interested in a C- Span show with a guy on there that represented the side of the illegals. Basicly he was making demands very suttle like to the end of the show when he pronounced that if the USA tried to send the illegals home there would be a civil war.
Now this is just one spokesman and I don't take the his word for much but with over 20 million people to stand up against us the thought becomes interesting. There are alot of things about a civil war that we as law abiding people should think about.
First if trouble starts the goverment will confiscate all guns in a hurry with severe penalties for those caught with guns. (easy with all the registered guns and owners ) This will leave the population open to all kinds of crime.
Second the economy will take a dip and all kinds of havoc will come from that.
In my honest opinion we should never have let these illegal people in.