Johnston County, North Carolina, Ordinance


New member
Anyone here from Johnston County, NC; please look up Grass Roots NC at I got a notice from them that the county commissioners are considering a law banning any discharge of weapons withing 600 feet of a residence, hence your back yard. Will include bows and arrows, probably slingshots too, anything that throws a projectile. You need to show up at a public hearing on this. Hearing is Jan 3rd at 6:00 PM.
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My county in VA just did the opposite, they just removed all their shooting restrictions, use to be a neighborhood by neighborhood ban that was very complex. The sherif said they had never prosecuted anyone using the law, so the county dumped it. They did leave in a ban on shooting rifles over .22 except on a licensed range. Hunting is mostly done with shotguns or black powder rifles.
Rowan County has had a law about discharging firearms within 500 ft of a structure. This includes well houses, barns, ect. I'm glad I live so far off the road that no one knows where I shoot. My range is legal, but I'm not above shooting a pistol right out the front door.
Read the statute before you panic. It has been illegal to discharge a firearm within 500 feet of a dwelling in my town for at LEAST 30 or 40 years -- but it goes on to exclude your own dwelling, and I think there's also something in there about an exception if you have permission from the owners of other dwellings.

You may not have anything to worry about. Or ... you may.