John Ross (UC author) has stoke at less than 40yo???


New member
John Ross, author of "Unintended Consequences" has had a stoke? I believe he is less than 40 years old. Seems strange.

I heard mention of this on another TFL thread and dismissed it as rumor.. now a friend of a friend said he didn't show at a book signing because of it.

Anyone have any details or ideas of where to find details? Would be appreciated.
You might try his publisher, Accurate Press, at (314) 352-1700. Their address is:

PO Box 190040
St. Louis, MO 63119

If you're not a little upset with the way the world is going, you're not paying attention.
hadn't heard about J.R. and a stroke...but it does happen at under 40. girl i dated, she was 20...had a stroke when she was 15...messed her up pretty bad. Needed a walker and losso of muscle control and such in her face and, it happens.
Stroke is thought of as an old person's ailment-- but that's what killed my first wife on her 36th birthday... it's actually fairly common in younger people.
I went to the gun show this weekend and there is always a book seller there that had hundreds of gun related books. I have been hearing a lot of good things about Unintended Consequences, and the dealer had it for sale. But with a price of $27.95 for a hard copy, I had to pass. I bought more magazines and ammo instead. Hopefully my local library will get a copy of it and I can read it then.


When I was in high school, a classmate had had a stroke at a young age. Messed her up bad. She had very little short term memory. It was quite a tragedy.


I talked to Kent Lomont at KCR, and he said that John was getting out of the hospital, and that he's doing better. FWIW, John's around 45 or so, or at least looks to be...

Just called Greg. John's doing better. He's up and walking, and working harder than most folks at the physical therapy - mostly grip strength.

Buy the damn book and read it. Trust us. We're your buds...
Guess I need to write him a letter care of his publisher to tell him how much I thoroughly enjoyed his book. I finished it today, about five days after I started it.

I hope he is gets better, and that we have more Henry Bowman adventures ahead!