That doesn't make him anti-American. The Constitution itself makes provision for adding and repealing amendments. Advocating for either does not make one anti-American.
Thank you, well said.
I both agree that the Constitutions should be hard to amend, and I believe its time the 2nd Amendment be scrutinized.
I know I am in a serious minority.
1. I believe the 2nd was an overreach of philosophy as opposed to evidence that armed militia or a single armed individual is going to do anything about government.
2. Technology has changed beyond their ability to envision. Gun owners were accountable people, guns were expensive. Ability of a single person to wreck mayhem with a single shot gun was severely limited.
3. The 2nd amendment has been hijacked to protect the second amendment, not it intent of protecting the rest of the rights. You hear no comments about freedom of speech, press, association, simply to have a gun to protect the right to have a gun.
4. The drive of high production mfg to make profits by selling lots of guns has dumped huge numbers of guns into the system. Rather than safer they are more accessible to anyone from criminals to legal gun owners who do not have their guns locked up and get stolen and then into criminal enterprise. We had a gun shop break in that they are still tracking all the guns that wound up in felons hands. Most not accounted for yet. Those that are were used in various crimes and one killing.
5. While I never thought I would in the past, I am an advocate of being licensed, serial number and required to be in a safe of the AR and smaller semi auto (Mini 14) as well as handguns when not in your actual possession.
That does not make me anti American or anti constitution.
Any more than beyond disagreeing with wherever they pulled the so called Citizen United thing out of their robes.
Its clear that on both side at the Supreme Court level they interpreted the Constitution to meet their agenda and not on the rules of law.