John McCain - on the issues

I think that alot of people need to read this I'm still trying to figure out how conservatives feel that McCain is too liberal, and not conservative enough for them, but in the same breath say they are going to vote for Clinton or Obama. If McCain is too liberal for the conservatives on this forum, then why would you vote for someone who is far more liberal??? Just some food for though.
I'm still trying to figure out how conservatives feel that McCain is too liberal,

Let's separate the issues, at least for me. I am not saying I would vote for Hillary or Obama, but there is no doubt that McCain does not fit the conservative mold. He has combined with liberal Dem's on bills more times than any Republican I can remember. The McCain/Kennedy immigration bill for one. There are several threads here that give a long list of his liberal affiliations. The the past several years McCain has disregarded conservatives and now he wants their support. It's not that easy. But the facts are clear. We are going to have a Liberal Republican or a very liberal democrat for President.

Just don't ask conservatives to fall in love with a guy that thumbed his nose at them for years.

Yeah, now he get's it! (from the above link)

I have always believed that our border must be secure and that the federal government has utterly failed in its responsibility to ensure that it is secure. If we have learned anything from the recent immigration debate, it is that Americans have little trust that their government will honor a pledge to do the things necessary to make the border secure.

BTW, not that it matters much now, but McCain made no attempt to secure our borders as a first step requirement until the immigration bill failed. Then he saw the light when even his Arizona constituents told him that the amnesty first, then security second bill would not fly.
Unfortunately, you did not quote that whole sentence; I agree that McCain is more liberal than I would prefer, but I do not see the logic in voting for someone who is more liberal. McCain still follows a large number of conservative principles; I dont think that the "perfect" conservative candidate would win an election in todays day and age. The whole idea of what is "normal and the majority" has been scewed by liberal thinking. You see the issues that the Democratic party is having by trying to run a candidate that is so far to the left of the issues; its hasnt worked very well in their favor. I believe that same would be true if the Republicans attempted the same thing.
I don't want to beat this to death, so I will just say that (for me) the choice is between terrible & less terrible. I guess less will win.
A number of people I know (Conservatives) said they would consider voting for a Democrat because.
#1. Republicans in congress would be less likely to go along with a LIberal Democratic president. Whereas they might go along with it if it is backed by a (liberal)Republican.
#2. In 4 years the Republicans will put up another batch of people, and hopefully get another conservative. Whereas if Mccain got elected, we would still have a liberal Republican in the White House and then opposition would still be Liberal Democrats.

I see the logic.....
I REALLY want to see who McCain gets for a running mate, but unless it's Huckabee, I'll vote for McCain anyway. Personally, I'd love to see Condaleeza Rice join his ticket, though I suspect she's much too smart to do so.

I simply can't imagine the fiscal catastrophe that EITHER of the Dems AND a Democratically controlled Congress would cause, and I don't see the Republicans taking Congress back this time.

It's a shame, but after 8 years of Bush, it's come back to the mantra that Bill Clinton ran on 16 years ago..."it's the economy, stupid". I won't get into WHY it's the economy, that's for another thread.

All the best,
I'm still trying to figure out how conservatives feel that McCain is too liberal, and not conservative enough for them, but in the same breath say they are going to vote for Clinton or Obama.

Because unless some real conservative, small government values start to run this government, we're going down the crapper. And folks feel that 4 years of HillBama fighting with a conservative congress is better than 8 years of McCain stabbing conservatives in the back with a liberal congress.

And if it's going to go down the crapper, we'd rather have a democrat do it than a republican.

And if we send a message to the GOP that we despise McCain and choose not to vote for him (low voter turnout, de-registering from the GOP party, etc) then they will put forth a better candidate in 2012 (who would probably start running in February of 2009 :rolleyes:).

McCain won't get my vote. I've had it with him.

I'll still vote conservative locally and for Congress though. I just wish someone would run against McCain for Senate on the GOP ticket.
Who do you propose they put up for President? Didnt the larger percentage of people in this nation choose McCain? I would agree with you that I would much rather see a more conservative candidate get the nomination; I voted for Huckabee even after he couldnt win the thing. The problem with running a "super conservative" for President is this; the Democrats have been trying the same thing in their party the past couple of elections. They choose someone who is so far to the left that they dont get any of the moderate or undecided vote. The same would hold true if the Republicans ran a highly conservative candidate that was all the way to the right on the issues; they wouldnt get the moderate vote. That is very apparent with McCain getting the nomination. There were several pretty conservative candidates that did not win the nomination. This country is full of moderates, and until the Democratic party figures that out they will continue to lose. McCain is still the best "conservative" to have a chance at winning this election. He is a moderate with many conservative viewpoints and a few liberal viewpoints. I can live with that if that keeps a radical leftist candidate out of office.
under party approval

I believe the bottom line on both parties is you only get to chose from the candidates the party wants. As the primaries go from start to finish candidates are eliminated leaving voters less choices. At this point in time all those who still have the right to vote could not affect the McCain nomination. So based upon a high structured sequence of what state holds their primary before other states the results get more and more clandestined.

Should there be a national primary day where the affect of one state would not impose on the voters in another state the candidate with the most votes may not be the same candidate left in the race at this point. Holding a national primary where everybody chooses their candidate would alter our party system by returning the power to the voters and away from the party leaders.
it's McCain vs Hilary or brainier. McCain. Not because he's the best choice, but we are not voting on the best, just the least damaging to our rights, country and future.
Obama will turn us over to our enemies as he wants to dis ban our military might.
Hillary wants to take all our money and redistribute it (socialist) to those she feels "need" it.

Democrats! wake up!! "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country." I hear so many clueless people talking about the government "doing" for them. And no wonder they are still poor and clueless. Santa Clause does not ;) exist.