Once a hero, now a unprincipled powermonger
With Howard (psycho) Dean in charge, the Democratic party will NEVER nominate a "moderate middle of the road Democrat" to run for President - IF such a being even exsists, of which I am very doubtful.
In order to get anywhere in the Democratic party, a person has to be a socialist, globalist, UN loving one world government sycophant; sadly, the so-called "Republican" party is not much different these days.
McCain was a hero during the Vietnam era - no one can deny that. IMHO, he sold out his principles and integrity for a shot at the big time (White House). Apparently, the Senate wasn't big time enough for him; today he is at best a RINO, at worst a Demosocialist in disguise.
The more I see and hear, Demosocialist in disguise describes him.
McCain has sold out the conservative movement, the American people AND THE CONSTITUTION for his own purposes and ambitions, plain and simple. Kerry tried to woo him into a VP slot in the '04 election - THERE IS A REASON FOR THAT.