John Kerry says McCain lacks judgment to be president


New member
I guess it's not a lie if you believe it, but I don't think that John Kerry believes his own words. He was courting John McCain as his running mate just a few years back, wasn't he?
Good God one of these two will be President



How :barf::barf::barf::barf: sick making.

Surely the end of the world must be close.
It was McCain that approached Kerry about the VP slot.

Anyone that listens to an entire McCain speech has to doubt the old guys judgment.
It was McCain that approached Kerry about the VP slot.

Not exactly.

Kerry asked McCain to consider VP spot
David M. Halbfinger, New York Times

Saturday, June 12, 2004

(06-12) 04:00 PDT Washington -- John Kerry, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, has repeatedly and personally asked Sen. John McCain, the independent-minded Arizona Republican, to consider being his running mate, but McCain has refused, people who have spoken to both men said Friday.

Kerry, the Massachusetts senator, made his first direct overtures to McCain about three weeks after locking up the Democratic nomination in March, and approached him again, in person or by telephone, as many as seven times, as recently as last week, according to one person who has discussed the issue with both.
Does this really suprise anyone? Kerry is IMHO a political has been and I don't see his career advancing past it's current point. What John Kerry thinks beyond how he votes in the senate carries very little weight with me. There's little doubt in my mind that Massachusetts will go to Obama come November regardless of Kerry's opinion (after all, the political leanings of Massachusetts are what got Kerry and his opinion where they are).
Yes, and Kerry said, in so many words, that our soldiers were marauding, lawless thugs in Vietnam. Kind of sums up his judgment IMHO.:mad:
If you keep your oath to uphold the constitution and follow the path that our founders laid out, you will do well for yourself. If you ingore your oath, and drift far from that path, you'll get stuck being a Senator from Massachusetts.
john kerry lacks any knowledge to make any judgment on ANYONE even himself. i will not vote for him. and i hope no one wants to run with him. i don't even trust much less like him as even a senator must less the idea of him becoming a vp. and i know darn well should hillary get into office :barf:. bill will be giving her stupid ideas.
Yeah they both suck , but who sucks more. Them or the people who will vote them into office

It's going to be one or the other no way around it. Get used to it. I'm not voting for one, I'm voting against the other one.
If you keep your oath to uphold the constitution and follow the path that our founders laid out, you will do well for yourself. If you ingore your oath, and drift far from that path, you'll get stuck being a Senator from Massachusetts.
Ha! That's funny right there, I don't care who you are.

Not surprising. Kerry actually thought McCain would make a good potential president, before Kerry decided he wouldn't.
In response to #9... Not enuff money or gold could get me to sit thru a 30 second commercial let alone a speech by Jon Carry.
John Kerry says McCain lacks judgment to be president

John Kerry is a fanatical liberal whom I distrust. With that said, he is correct in this instance. John McCain does lack judgement to be president. If McCain had good judgement, he would be "championing" conservative causes rather than "glorifying" liberal ones such as global warming and gun control.