John Edwards Speech

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According to AP John Edwards is going to emerge from seclusion to make a speech at Hofstra University and also is hiking up his fee for public speaking.

Who would want to go listen to a guy with the moral integrity of this ambulance chaser? Why would an institution like Hofstra even invite him to talk?
Edwards is dillusional.

He thinks he is so special and smarter than the rest of us. He has to offer his ideas and judgement because he thinks we need him. How anyone could go listen to him speak is beyond my comprehension, much less pay to hear him speak.
His wife backed out though, she was suppose to be the lead speaker at the event.
POOR Elizabeth, I don't blame her, how could she stand next to this man ( term used loosely) and smile.
I live in NC just down the road from Edwards and think he's a clown.
He's "GOOBER" with a law degree ---if you have ever watched old Andy Griffith shows, Edwards shows the same facial expressions and mannerisms that Goober displayed.
The smug half closed eyes and head shaking like he just said the smartest thing you ever heard.:barf:
She should divorce him put the money in trust for her kids and be done with him.
He doesn't deserve a wife like Elizabeth.

The same people that would attend Pres. Clinton speech cause what Edwards did is no different than what Clinton did as Gov. and Pres. right in our faces and people still yet today flock to see him speak:rolleyes:
The fact that Klinton and Edwards had affairs while either in office or running for office is not the real issue. Its that they both LIED, Klinton under oath and Edwards repeatedly to the press and American public. If they can lie that easily and convincingly that is a major character issue to me.

Edwards is a poster boy for the word hypocrite.
From The Opinion Journal

Hey, a millionaire cheater-husband who ups his speaking fee? Why not, he has families to support.

Mike D.
The fact that Klinton and Edwards had affairs while either in office or running for office is not the real issue. Its that they both LIED, Klinton under oath and Edwards repeatedly to the press and American public. If they can lie that easily and convincingly that is a major character issue to me.

Edwards is a poster boy for the word hypocrite.

Is it only lying about sex that puts you up in arms since your only single out dems in your rant? How about Newt Gingrich, the savior of the Republican party? (no, I'm not going to list out republican and democratic lies, I'm honestly curious as to whether what the lie is about is what draws your ire)
Is it only lying about sex that puts you up in arms since your only single out dems in your rant? How about Newt Gingrich, the savior of the Republican party? (no, I'm not going to list out republican and democratic lies, I'm honestly curious as to whether what the lie is about is what draws your ire)

The OP was about Edwards--you could start another thread if there is a Rep that you would like to talk about.

Edwards BASED his campaign on high morals , family values, two Americas et. etc.
He took Elizabeth with him on the campaign trail and pushed his family out front.
He then had an affair on his loving, supporting wife while she is fighting cancer---I am sure she needed that in her life while fighting such a disease.
He lied through his teeth and called those that exposed him liars.
He had the nerve to offer that his wife was " in remission"---like THAT matters at all.
AND, as far as his "two Americas", you need to ask his poor neighbor here in NC how he treats him.
Edwards is a hypocrite ALL THE WAY AROUND---Goober with a law degree!!

Immoral, elitist democrat that claims superior intellect to lead us to greatness (instead of rob us like a lying trial lawyer who claims to hear dead babies). To Edwards this must be nothing different from the end of one tort case where he knows he lied to the start of the next trial where he knows he will lie too. All to enrich himself to God-like status. It is not new and progressive. It is old and evil.
Is it only lying about sex that puts you up in arms since your only single out dems in your rant?

dipper summed it up more succinctly than I could.

He lied through his teeth and called those that exposed him liars.

Regardless of who is involved or what the lie is about, I get angry when a consummate liar attacks those who are actually telling the truth.
The OP was about Edwards--you could start another thread if there is a Rep that you would like to talk about.

You can sign up to be a moderator if you like. I was asking a question to another poster, not yours.

Let's look at your post.. oh, railing against John Edwards. The OP was about who would go see him, not his hypocrisy. Good try though.

If there are people who want to go see him, what does it matter that he raises his rates?
Oh, sorry Secdef,

I guess the answer is not me:rolleyes:

How bout you?? Would you go listen to him?? With his high moral standings and strong ethics??

Let's look at your post.. oh, railing against John Edwards. The OP was about who would go see him, not his hypocrisy. Good try though.

Is it only lying about sex that puts you up in arms since your only single out dems in your rant? How about Newt Gingrich, the savior of the Republican party?

I kind of got the idea you were expanding on the OP when you mentioned Newt.
Since you wandered away from the OP I thought it would be OK for others---my bad.

I wouldn't go pay to see him. What new would he have to say?

Since you wandered away from the OP I thought it would be OK for others---my bad.

I "wandered" because only democrat sex lies were included in the post I was responding to (and note I didn't even go to the obvious target McCain). If one is to rail against liars, it needn't be politically biased.

You thought it would be ok to post off topic after chastising me? I thought Edwards was the hypocrite in this thread?!
RDaK, we`re currently finding out. BTW he`s surely not the family oriented man he based his whole political carreer on. I feel sorry for those that were duped into supporting him and thinking he was this wholesome,family comes first, down-to-earth, American-pie(so to speak)kinda guy, he portrayed all through his campaign. Wish the media would re-air some of the "family-value" statements he made then. Just so you know, in the nutshell, he`s the 2nd biggest embarrassment to the Dem. Party.
SecDef said:
You can sign up to be a moderator if you like. I was asking a question to another poster, not yours.
Will I do?

The OP was about Edwards. Your question, while relevant in a general way, was off topic to the OP. A conversation via PM, or another thread, if you please.

As it is, this thread has become a personal urinating contest. Not gonna put up with such. Closed.
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