Jodie Foster criticized for "The Brave One" by an anti gunner.


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Here is a link to an article published on a "Women's" news site criticizing Jodie Foster for playing a gun toting vigilante. Since Jodie Foster is rabidly anti-gun its really comical to see one anti turn on another anti because the latter is not as anti as the former.

The lady that wrote the article is so extreme in her views that it is very illustrative for us to see what kind of thinking we are up against in this fight to maintain our 2nd amendment right. If people like this can gain the majority of power in the next election, Woe is us.

"The Brave One" also bolsters the myth that women can use guns--as the National Rifle Association Web site puts it--for "personal safety strategies" and "refusing to be a victim."

Nothing could be further from the truth. Women have been further endangered rather than protected by the proliferation of handguns.

Here's the link:
huh!? is this lady one of those defeatest "im a helpless woman and i cant do anything a man can do" type of people?

i dont like that.. like Black guys that use the N word .. standing with Cosby on that one.. way to step backward 300 years everybody..
Although women have higher rates of depression than men, it is the handgun-suicide connection--rather than depression--that accounts for higher suicide rates.

I think that is the dumbest thing I've read all year:barf: I cant figure out how somone could be this narrowminded... pinheaded even, and get so far in life? How could anyone write such drivel, much less, actually belive it?

Whats the world coming to?
Sounds like pure desperation to me. From what I gather the movie points out how personal protection helps women, so that toad had to feel like they were doing something to speak out, no matter how utterly pathetic.
I'm starting to see the light now

I've often wondered why pro gun guys act/think like someone's actively trying to take their guns away...I think I've used the word paranoid. After seeing Jodie Foster on Bill Maher's HBO talkshow I understand a lot better.

He was talking about that new movie and asked her about shooting guns and so on and she said something like "I'm not trying to make a political statement but people do not need to have that kind of power (shooting a gun) in their hands". The crowd went nuts applauding, and there was a five minutes discussion of why we don't needs guns to be safe.

Not sure what world these rich idiots live in. I feel bad for anyone who decides I don't need my weapons anymore.
I've often wondered why pro gun guys act/think like someone's actively trying to take their guns away...I think I've used the word paranoid.

I have a handy dandy DVD from the NRA showing the door to door confiscations of firearms and manhandling of innocent citizens which usually helps to explain the mentality.

You are not paranoid if people really are out to get you.
How about a flick that shows formidable women using their brains, power and sex appeal to take the guns away from the guys without using physical force? Maybe Foster can play someone like, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer Diane Feinstein, or Hillary Clinton; intelligent, powerful women who have consistently voted for gun control, getting them an F rating by gun lobbyists

That part of the article made me laugh. Why doesn't she lead by example and go try to disarm men using her brains, power, and sex appeal. At the begining of the article, it says something about giving women the wrong tools. Well, what's the right tool?

Look down at the bottom of the page and notice where she is. Now I get it.
What I find really funny is for weeks people here have been lambasting Foster for playing a woman who uses a gun and profitting from it while being a big time anti. Now the antis are after her for playing a role the highlighted a woman using a gun.

I said from the begining that she took the role as an ACTRESS. The political aspect is completely unimportant in the job she does as an actress in filling the role.

It seems there are plenty on both sides who just don't get it.
All this is silly stuff. Otherwise a Shakespearean actor who plays Richard III could be assailed for recommending child-murder. These are films, stories, works of art at times, characters. The value is in the film working or the actor being effective. They're not making statements about personal choices one way or the other - that is, if the thing works at all. People making political statements in films like Michael Moore, well that's a political position the guy is funding or being paid by those who are wanting a diatribe about something.

But this film is a story - it either works or doesn't as what it is.
How about a flick that shows formidable women using their brains, power and sex appeal to take the guns away from the guys without using physical force? Maybe Foster can play someone like, Nancy Pelosi, Barbara Boxer Diane Feinstein, or Hillary Clinton; intelligent, powerful women who have consistently voted for gun control, getting them an F rating by gun lobbyists

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Diane Feinstein have a CCW? Don't you love that double standard from that particular anti-gun advocate?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Diane Feinstein have a CCW? Don't you love that double standard from that particular anti-gun advocate?

You are correct. Some years back she got a California concealed carry permit. Very difficult to get in San Fransisco. Chuck Schumer has an unrestricted NYC carry permit. But as common folk we often forget that the politicians lives are worth more than ours :barf:
I knew that this movie would get a backlash. And for the anti's, it illustrates that anyone who has a pistol will go vigilante and shoot up the whole city, or at least that's how they'll see it. BS.
Wait, was Jodie Foster on Real Time with Bill Maher? I don't think I've missed an episode and I didn't see her.
The writer of that linked article is an obvious idiot.

She has probably never experienced violence once in her life. You see this all the time with people that have never been in a "tough" situation. They simply don't know what they are talking about.

They use statistics in a "curveball" way to prove their opinions and beliefs. Beliefs that are based on emotion and NOT real life threatening experiences.

For her to conclude handguns do not help women defend themselves is, without question, one of the dumbest statements I've ever heard. These types of statements always seem to come from some leftie loon who has lived in a nice, safe, secure, suburban area all their lives.

As for Jodie Foster - she has entered the domain inhabited solely by leftie loons.:eek:
Just got back from seeing it. I thought it was a good movie, if you just realize it's that...a movie. Everybody was good in it.

The only ONLY thing I have issue with is the first two shootings. They were strictly in self defense, but suddenly it was referred to as a vigilante running around.:rolleyes:

I recommend it. Good flick.
The premise of the movie does not cover one salient fact.

Had Jodie's character learned about guns properly and been carrying in the first place, boyfriend might be alive and she not have been beaten/raped. And they would still have the dog.

Of course, this would have made for a short movie but as a permit holder, I couldn't help but think about the alternative outcome...

He was talking about that new movie and asked her about shooting guns and so on and she said something like "I'm not trying to make a political statement but people do not need to have that kind of power (shooting a gun) in their hands". The crowd went nuts applauding, and there was a five minutes discussion of why we don't needs guns to be safe.
Yeah, you know, how are the violent criminals supposed to climb the walls of our gated communities and make it past our bodyguards and million-dollar security systems, right?

Those Hollywood elites are living in LA-LA Land in more ways than one.

It does explain, though, why they're so anti-gun - they confuse movies with reality, thinking that if someone gets raped by a violent criminal, that they'll go out and start killing people left and right, so of COURSE nobody can be trusted with guns except for the cops. And the bodyguards of Hollywood elites. And the rich. And the famous. And...