Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade


New member
I don't know how many of you watch anime. I just got done watching Jin-Roh, and was somewhat curious about the equipment they use.

I'm aware that the armor is probably useless to some extent. The guns though, are somewhat interesting. The machine gun and its feed mechanism is of interest to me, and the main subject of this post. The ammo is in belts, I think about fifty rounds apiece. They are pulled out of a magazine carried on the back, and loaded into the machine gun. A sideways foregrip is held, and the belt drapes across the left forearm through a guide built into the armor there.

Anybody got any ideas on how well it would work?
haven't seen it. but the key to proper belt feeding is tension and angle. If you start tweaking a belt out of a 90 deg. angle to the feed ramp or get too much drag, say from rounds dragging on the aforementioned arm guide or the arm guide being out of a narrow range of alignment with the gun, you could get a failure to feed.

Just a thunk.

With all due respect, and with utterly no flame intended: Posts and comments pertaining to animated cartoons, comic books, and video games are mostly off topic in this forum. About the only posts with any significance are when someone mentions something like, "I watched the new XYZ 'toon, and they very accurately depicted the [insert TYPE/MODEL of firearm] and the shoooting techniques were very realistic."

It is a given that fantasy entertainment is, by definition, mostly, uh, well, FANTASTIC! As well to discuss how we can duplicate Wile E. Coyote's fall from a 700 foot cliff and climb out of his own crater after impact. Hilariously funny, perhaps, but with no relation to real life.

I am not sure if this helps, but the firearms used were very typical of mid ww2 german as were the uniforms and equipment. The machinegun you saw appeared to be a MG 42, while the rifles in the academy were StG 44, and the pistol he shoots his girl with at the end a c96 mauser. Interestingly enough, the rebels used what appeared to be sten guns.
I didn't know the names of the guns, but I knew at least the ones in the rebels' hands were somewhat authentic. This thread probably would have gone over better if I'd asked for identification like what you gave. I know alot of anime use real guns, and portrays them accurately, but I was thinking the equipment used by the guys in the armor was made up. Thanks for that.

For others, some pics I found:
Shows a good view of the left arm and the guide on it.

Shows the gun. Is he holding the bipod as the forward grip?

No offense taken, Johnny. You guys take your guns very seriously. For the most part though, while some anime are comedy, comparing anime and Wile E. would be like comparing the Three Stooges to Sylvester Stallone or something. This isn't meant to offend either, but to inform. I posted this here because I was interested in others' opinions on the matter, which I felt was related enough to go up.
The guns though, are somewhat interesting. The machine gun and its feed mechanism is of interest to me, and the main subject of this post. The ammo is in belts, I think about fifty rounds apiece. They are pulled out of a magazine carried on the back, and loaded into the machine gun. A sideways foregrip is held, and the belt drapes across the left forearm through a guide built into the armor there.

Well, generally, when someone is carrying a man-portable belt-fed weapon nowadays, the belt is carried in a box attached to the weapon, not draped dramatically like Rambo or Anime Man, there. ;) (The MG42, when used as an LMG, carried its belt in a drum.)
I'd think that having 200 rounds in a box would outweigh being able to change out fifty or one hundred round belts that quickly. It is somewhat obvious that it's cooler than it is practical. I'd be inclined to put a chute back to the box on my back though. Never have to swap a box or drum or belt.
I'd be inclined to put a chute back to the box on my back though.

A long and flexible feedway just multiplies the chances of the belt kinking and various feedway jams. While the anime/Hollywood way may look cool, the real life way actually works. :)