JFK jnr Found !


New member
The Coast Guard has found the body of JFK jnr about 30mls of the coast of Mass.
Some of the planes fuselage has been located as well.
His body will be buried at sea.... HUH ?
Why bother recovering it & wasting $$illions of your tax dollars doing it, only to put it back where they found it ?
Not wanting to be crass/crude or even in bad taste but DURH ! :(

"The Gun from Down Under !"
An article in the local newspaper said an area was being measured out for JFK Jr at Arlington Cemetary. I hyperventilated and was waiting with clenched teeth for "your" President (or her husband) to bestow that honor on the Kennedy Klan.

Better at sea. Maybe he'll meet the spirit of Mary Jo Kopechne. (Yeah, I know - "cheap shot"...)
The kennedy family doesn't want JFK jr. to be buried at Arlington so you don't have to worry about that.
No, they said they weren't going to request a waver. That doesn't mean that Clinton out of the "kindness of his heart" won't issue a waver any ways.
your kidding right?, a magazine publisher is possibly going to be interred in Arlington?, why because is family is politically powerful?
the next time anyone goes down in this country lets call out the military.....bunch of durn elitists liberals.....crap....fubsy.
I was at a customer's this morning when they started talking about it, and talking about it, and Talking About It, AND TALKING ABOUT IT! AND TALKING ABOUT IT!!! Holy Hara! I lasted about 5 minutes! How many times does this guy's eulogy have to be delivered?!

And who the heck are these JFK wanna-be's that are visiting his apartment? Do they know him because they have lived his life through "The National Inquirer"?!!


...man...I can tell it's been a loonnnnngg time since I watched the news...


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..."
Not a member of the armed forces. Never defended his country. I wonder how much a plot at Arlington goes for nowadays?

AAAARGHHH. That's it. No other comment needed. Just AAAARGHHH.


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Scoiety
I got the flipside last night. I worked stage security for the GWAR concert and they were ripping into the Kennedy's left and right. They wrote a song for JFK jr called "Fish Food" and were really making fun of the incident as well as the Kennedy's and the way they are worshipped. Oh, and you should have seen their skit about president Clinton and Monica. Hoo boy. That was a great show!

GWAR had a Concert?
I have hung out with them many a time in Richmond. Dopey bunch of fiends, but I never laughed so much!

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


I knew there was a reason I did not allow my brother to be buried at Arlington, and that I had advised all hands that I wish to be cremated. Imagine spending eternity buried shoulder to shoulder with a Kennedy.....
I'm just happy that JFK jr. & Co. was not
gunned down. God only knows what they would have passed in congress.

Phase II has started. My wife is not an evil woman, but ... I was sitting in the garage having my evening cigar and looking through the reloading catalogues. Ah, sweet serenity.
She comes out and says, "I thought you'd be interested to hear that A&E is going to have a special Biography called 'Death of a Prince'". Guess who? I started my usual "royalty" rant and when the foam started to fly, she went back inside, trailing an "I'll get you my pretty!" cackle. Maybe she has been taken over by sadistic aliens. In a more gentle moment, she asked "What about the poor family that lost TWO daughters in that crash -- don't they count?". Not to the media, my love.
The death of a prince!?!?! When was and who the hell made this jerkoff a prince?!
I also heard that the Whitehouse (Clinton?) issued a statement when the bodies were found: "Recovery of the bodies is the nation's top priority."
Why? They are freakin dead!! As someone pointed out earlier, why recover the bodies only to spread the ashes at sea? WTF!?!
If the same search efforts were made (rather than wasted on this @sshole) we could have proven the existence of bigfoot, UFOs, the Loch Ness Monster, and the burial place of Jimmy Hoffa. Okay maybe not Hoffa :)

Sorry for the rant.
so we have a burial at sea this AM

doesn't seem like they had much time for a medical examination...

I thought the NTSB had to check out the autopsy

dz - are you insinuating that something smells figuratively and literally fishy? (forgive the pun, hadda do it) ;)

The timing does sound a bit strange. Found at noon, autopsied, cremated and ready for burial within hours. And the only one to supposedly accompany the body is Ted himself?

What to think of all this. Hmmmm?


Detroit Area Chapter
Terra-Haute Torque & Recoil Scoiety
Can't say anything else that's been said. Burial at sea. THEY'RE ALREADY FRIGGEN THERE! Rent a boat, toss a wreath, and get drunk. At what expense to us, the taxpayers of this country, did they commit, over the entire course of this search and now recovery, 25 or more aircraft, 4 Coast Guard cutters, a myriad of smaller Coast Guard vessels, US Navy search and recovery ships with side-scan sonar, not to mention local assets, only to fish someone out of the water just to have them tossed back in. Does nobody in the Kennedy clan consider how frivilous, wasteful, or hypocritical this looks? I mean, I don't mean to be a cold and unfeeling basturd, but c'mon.

Ron, bro, there's a reason why, as a member of the "Evil Twins", you are the sick one and I am relegated to being the twisted one. Yours and dZ's considerations do indeed make one wonder, yes they do. I wonder how much any of this might have had to do with Jr.'s decision not to run for any political office in NY against Billary. Do the names Ron Brown and Vince Foster mean anything to you? Bwahahahahaha, let the conspiracy theorists have a field day with this one.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
but it is important for closure to drag up the body, burn it and scatter the ashes

otherwise someone might dive the wreck and sell soveniers...

have y'all seen the efforts the wreckage is going to travel?

IMHO they are being kinda funny with a smashed plane

Gee, I wonder if I killed myself being an idiot in a plane crash, would the Navy will detail a Burke-class destroyer for my burial (um, make that re-burial) at sea? Would the Coast Guard fly my relatives around in personal HH-60 Jayhawk taxis? Oh, what's that you say? They're DIFFERENT than the rest of us?