Very good reading
I found that article to be very interesting and in many ways it solidifies a thought that I have had for years. Our government is no longer really ran by the people, but a select few whom once in office will do whatever is in their best interest to a point. Sadly, if you ask most people what they think of their government (state or federal), you will get the general feeling of dissatisfaction. Yet each election cycle, we are inundated by nominees and choose what most feel are the lesser of two or more evils. I really think that we have to go back to how our government was established. We have to choose the people that really represent us (our communities) and place them to conduct our feelings to the country via the HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES. These days we choose from a group of lawyers mostly. If we live in an agricultural community, why not nominate and elect someone with an agricultural background to represent us. I mean not all of us can be Highly educated and glorified Trial Lawyers, Offspring of the "Cultural Elite" or "Progressive Thinkers". I kind of like how my Grandfather explained how life used to be. My view has gotten me funny stares and snide remarks. I have been called a "Throwback", "Sellout", and many other things for being a Black man that votes "Republican". I summarily express a liberal's favorite retort, "It is my First Amendment Right to think and speak this way." The only difference is that as an ex-soldier, I have earned my right to be a Throwback, Sellout, Black man that votes republican, unlike most of the Lawyers, Culturally Elite and Progressive Thinkers that are so willing to throw my hard earned and costly freedoms to the four winds. Maybe if the people so willing to relinquish said freedoms for a false sense of security had to earn them, they too would appreciate them. Sorry for the rant, the little round mound of sound will not step off of his soapbox.