Jewish Center shootings explode, Christian Church shootings fizzle.......

Has anyone else noticed there was nowhere near the outrage in the news media with the Christian Church killings as there was with the Jewish Center shootings (nobody even died in that one). Every station, every newscast for weeks and weeks reminded us of the Jewish Center shootings but we have almost forgotten the Christian Center shootings.

Be warned that anytime you point anything out about the Jews you will be called anti-semitic. I beleive in equality but the disparity between the conduct of the news media in the two shootings is glaring and speaks to the overwheliming bias and ownership of news and media by Jews. That isn't necessarily a bad thing but they then inject their own biases into their/our movies and news (as any other group would probably do). I draw the line at the media trying to legitimize homosexuals (tolerance taken to an illogical extreme) and attempting to remove us from out gun rights.

Nothing will ever touch another constitutional right if the media has its way. That right is freedom of speach and when you boil things down to their essential elements, most of us really don't have have freedom of speech. If you don't beleive that then just try to get some air-time with CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN on a pro gun issue. They'll tell you to take a flying leap or tell you to buy your own TV station. Yea, I guess that's an option for all of us, right? NEVER BELEIVE THE LIBERAL MEDIA! Especially when it's political discussions of any kind!
Sure seems to be a lot of coverage of the church shootings in my neck of the woods and on all of the networks and independents.

I think it's your own point of view, and I don't think that you can characterize all of these networks as Jewish dominated. Ted (CNN) Turner? Liberal, yes. Jewish?

Personally, I think if you are looking for a rationale to bolster your point of view, you can find it whether it's really there or not.

In this instance I'd really have to take issue with your conclusions.


Live Free or Die
I think the coverage of the Fort Worth incident was less than the usual journalistic feeding frenzy. I'm guessing that Hurricane Floyd had something to do with this. Floyd was marching up the eastern seaboard at the time the shooting took place. Since the elite media tend to concentrate in that area, maybe Floyd commanded their greater attention as something happening in their own backyards.

But it wouldn't surprise me either if the spiritual strength shown in the aftermath by the Fort Worth church congregation was a turn-off for our cynical, irreligious media.

I believe that the chief beneficiaries of any reduced media coverage of the Fort Worth incident would be the families of the victims.

[This message has been edited by jimmy (edited September 21, 1999).]
What about calling the Church shooting a HATE CRIME??? NOWHERE has this phrase been mentioned. Why is it not a hate crime when a Baptist Church is shot up?? Isn't this discrimination against the Baptist Church and the members of the church world wide???

It's getting to be normal when anything happens against anybody except white Christian's it is turned into a HATE CRIME by everybody from the injustice department the world media and especially the people that live in the white house.
"Perception isn't everything, but it's all they need".
Let's not get into a religous debate without considering a few perceptions.
The media is perceived as being liberal.
Jews are perceived as social liberals.
Christians are perceived as social conservatives.
If media bias is perceived, perhaps there is an explanation.

Better days to be,

Soon after the shootings in Texas it was reported that Janet Reno was trying to decide whether the shootings were a hate crime. Since it is fashionable to hate evangelicals, maybe that shooting isn't as newsworthy. Also since Floyd was doing his thing, there was a competing news story. Floyd was potentially more threatening to more people than any one gunman. The Jewish community center shooter got away. He is in custody and there is a pending trial. He continues to be news. The gunman in Texas shot himself. End of story.
I agree with Frank's observation that if you criticise the Jews, you'll be labeled anti-Semitic, but I will add my own opinion that the Jews do have influence in excess of their numbers, particulalrly in the media, and they're good at playing the victim, the recent Samuel Sheinbein thing was a good example of a bad example. But I wouldn't blame them alone for the liberal bias in the media at large.

Here in DC if you criticize Blacks/
African/Afro-Americans, you're a racist, even if you're pointing out the illiteracy of the members of the DC city council that didn't know the meaning of the word 'niggardly'.

The guy in Ft. Worth was spewing anti-Baptist vitrolic as he did his dastardly deed, so why is this not a 'hate crime'? And where were the Shiite Baptists when you need them? OTOH, hard-over rightwing conservative Christians are seen as oppressive in their own right, and perhaps there's a flavor of 'you reap what you sow', but I don't know if that's appropriate to this particular church.

But seriously, folks, I find this whole notion of a 'hate crime' to be rather ludicrous. Murder is murder is murder, there in no acceptable motive, there is no politically correct motive. I will admit that I can understand hatred as a motive easier than I can see popping someone over a pair of sneakers or a boombox, but in the final analysis, neither is acceptable, and both demand the same consequence.


[This message has been edited by Mike in VA (edited September 21, 1999).]
But you must remember, it was a buch of right wing CHRISTIAN Baptists that were slain. Its just like the liberal media to disregard such a horrific incident. Notice whenever "the children" are involved the media jumps on the gun control train to socialism, but whenever a right wing CHRISTIAN is slain their attitude is "ehh another one less we have to worry about." Once you begin to see through the deception of the media you see a whole new world and it doesn't look good.
there is no doubt in my mind that fundamentalist and especially the preachers on shortwave like Pete Peters, pastor Strawcutter, David K. Smith, and many others who preach the untarnished Word of God are hated by the present Regime. To be a Christian in America may soon be dangerous,especially if you are a believer in the coming Prophecies. Yep, there was no outcry by Johnny R. or Big Comrade when 8 inocents died at a Baptist Church. Dont tell me it had something to do with Hurricane Floyd on the East coast!
RE: Hate crime

This is kinda telling: This morning I watched the Today Show...Morris Dees, head of the Southern Christian Law Foundation (?)...the outfit that sued the KKK a few years ago and bankrupted them. Katie Couric brought the concept of hate crime up cuz the shooter spouted some anti-religious rhetoric. Dees said that it would seem to be approaching or appearing to be a hate crime...but...then he rattled off stats on the number of "hate crimes" over the past few years...crimes against Jews, Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Gays, abortion clinics, etc....out of some 2300 crimes only 3-4% were directed at white Christian churches, so he doesn't think there is any real "hate" towards this group and hence he doesn't feel it qualifies. And unless the shooter left any writings, we'll never know.

I thought the definition of a hate crime was perpetuating a crime against a specific group because they are members of that group....wasn't aware that there was a quantity qualifier.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Dunno what it's like elsewhere, but the Ft. Worth shooting is a big deal here in N. Texas, led the news on MSN website two days running, got NightLine that night and a response later, was all Cokie Roberts, et al could talk about on the other "Firing Line" on sunday, was the source of idiotic remarks by both our President and several Presidential wanna-be's. BBC couldn't shut up about it on Thursday night on their "World News" broadcast.

Seems like it's covered pretty well to me.

Maybe your local news carriers are more sympathetic to California news. More likely, though, there's just a lot bigger circus when the killer walks in, shoots kids, escapes, shoots at another scene (postal employee), leaves a van full of vapid clues to get wrong and re-report and theorize over, drives to Nevada, and gives himself up 3 days later. Now THAT's a story with some meat, if you're a national reporter.

I'm not defending it so much as saying-- "Look at it from the reporter's perspective." Yes, you can do this-- they're not INHERENTLY evil, rotten people. They just want to report the "jucier" story. If we can't even see things from their shoes, then we're alienating ourselves in a direction that is unwinnable.

Hate crimes? Oh, good-- another law against killing! [grim grin] THAT'LL put a stop to it. :( ;) :(

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?


[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited September 20, 1999).]
I think the coverage has been somewhat less but the Granada Hills shootings occurred during a slow news time, the gunman got away, and was the object of a manhunt. True, it is more popular to report on historically downtrodden people of whatever ethnicity also, but statements from the pastor of the Ft Worth church and other people there saying it was not the guns left little for the media to run with. For a local anti gunner they went to Dallas to speak with the rep of the Texas branch of the VPC. I guess they couldn't find one from the church in Ft Worth. On the Bowers board is a post from the father of one of the wounded children and he is still as pro-gun as ever. Smart man and my prayers are with him and his son.
Look, if there was some vast Jewish conspiracy, I'd sure love to know about it, because I'm sick of not being able to abuse my power and manipulate world events as is due me by my heritage. Heck, for that matter, I'm still waiting for my Mercedes, Rolex, and millions in the bank for that matter. Who do I need to talk to about this?!?!

Anyhow, the Jewish Center shooting had everything the media loves: Little Kids, "Automatic Assault Weapons" (yeah, I know), Militia/ Skinheads / White supremicists, and an escaped shooter.

What more could you ask for? I seem to remember the Paducah school shooting getting plenty of press, and there were plenty of Christians getting shot up there. Maybe if the shooter hadn't killed himself, it would be more interesting to the vultures, who knows.


Kevin Jon Schlossberg
SysOp and Administrator for
Say you're the producer picking tonights top news stories. On the one hand, you've got some grieving families, funerals and a little more info on a terrible crime that happened yesterday.
On the other hand you've got hundreds of people suddenly homeless, floods, destruction and a hurricane. Not to mention the helecopter and satillite views plus more video than you can possibly use.
Hmmmm...Decissions, decissions.....
It don't take a rocket scientist to figure this out.
I have a real problem with the entire premise of this thread. As an American I'm horrified to see American kids killed like this....any American kids. I think we all feel the same way.

The problems with the premise of the thread is that it demeans gun owners, no matter what the response:
- If you think the Texas shooting wasn't covered well enough, then you side with HCI in wanting these things plastered over the tube for weeks.

- If you think the Jewish Community Center shooting should have received less press, because of the coverage in Texas, it appears the injuries and deaths of these children are incidental to your point.

This thread should be allowed to die a natural death.
This time, truly, "for the children".

[This message has been edited by Rich Lucibella (edited September 21, 1999).]
The premise of this thread is the control you can excercise over the hearts and minds of Americans by media ownership. The media has been overwhelmingly anti-gun for as long as I can remember. They have also been pro-homosexual for as long as I can remember. There is a concerted force working to change the thought patterns, ideals, beleifs, outlook, world view, opinions and attitudes of Americans. One need only look at the current state of our society to see the effect of that. If I were a Jew (or a Christian) and in control of a media outlet, I would make efforts to lessen my personal biases because I, personally, do not want to see our society degrade to the point of children killing children! The editors, owners, the movers and shakers who control what you see and hear are doing a great diservice in not discussing the effects they, themselves have on our socity in the decisions they make about the movies, news, articles or whatever that they have control over. The media does NOT just report the news.......they influence! I refuse to hate the Jew (or any other religion or ethnicity)but, pray tell, why do they make such strong efforts to get me to feel that way by constantly trying to alter public opinions against guns, in favor of homosexuality, giving us politicians like clinton, etc? It don't make sense to me and I see it as destructive to our society.......hell! the media has been so destructive to our society that we now see the new, modern phenomena of children killing children in our schools!! I'm sorry, but if the media doesn't straighten up its act and get back to wholesome programming, movies and news...then they will generate hate all by themselves accross the board! Our children and their current, destructive actions are the last straw! Personally, I don't care who owns any particular media outlet but when their biases or greed start to affect society negativley then something has to give. I think people are starting to see the effect of the media on our society.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>I refuse to hate the Jew (or any other religion or ethnicity)but, pray tell, why do they make such strong efforts to get me to feel that way by constantly trying to alter public opinions against guns, in favor of homosexuality, giving us politicians like clinton, etc? [/quote]

"The Jew?" "They?" Who? The Jew or the media?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>"The media has been overwhelmingly anti-gun..."

"the media has been so destructive... "

"if the media doesn't straighten up its act..."


The word "media" is plural. Although we may note a strong tendancy to side against us, the respective members of the media came to their views independently. And, believe it or not, some members of the mass media (esp. in radio) do NOT side against you and me on the issue of GUNS. (topic, please?)

While I am at odds with the spin that is given many stories that regard GUNS, I do not automatically put all reporters in the same basket. Generalizing about them is just as bad as them generalizing about US.

We would do well not to generalize on issues of personality, such as sexual preference, race, religion, ethnicity, or whether you're a DA revolver or a SA auto man.

You can win my backing if you say "NBC Nightly News is demonstrably biased in their reporting of guns!" You won't win my backing when you attempt to rope me and everyone else on this board into your entire political agenda, because you perceive a wrong.

We've got some pretty staunchly conservative men and women here, and most of us don't see it. Would it matter if I told you I was black, gay, and Jewish, so long as I'm paying up my life membership of the NRA? (One of the 4 above is true, and I won't tell you which.)

Sorry, Rich. You're absolutely right.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?


[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited September 21, 1999).]
As a Jew, I demand my slice of the media, banking and New World Order pie! I want my share of control package over the hapless gentiles! Ooops, wrong forum. Um....sorry boys, carry on.

I meant to say, I want 1934/68/86/94/etc. to be just dates again, not hideous gun control laws. Would also be nice if I didn't get lumped in with Chukie "psycho" Schumer just because of my ancestry. I am sure Walter Williams feels the same way about J. Jackson.

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