Jew for preservation of firearms ownership


New member
I am a not jewish but I like the political views of this outfit. I was under the impreshion that after WW2 some jews moved to the U.S. and became antigunners and the rest moved to Isreal and learned to shoot strait. It is plain to see I was wrong.I think JPFO could use some support from us who don't worship with them. Can any one tell me why I should not support JPFO to the same extent that I support the NRA.
Quite a number of us here are members...there is no reason not to join

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
I am a member and I am not all that impressed by the uniformity of their materials. They also staunchely refuse any assistance from people like me (graphics/publishing/web). Still, boychiks with M16s can't be all bad :)

Wow, Oleg, I can't imagine anyone not accepting your graphics help. Now we understand why they're a small (1-man?) operation - won't give up some control to effect a division of labor. Oh, well, they're (he's) still a great one to have around doing what he's doing.

I see I'm not the only one up at ridiculous hours of the AM.
Right now my read on who is doing the best job for us in order and why are:

1. Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) See their Brief in the Emerson case. They are the only ones I am aware of who actually filed a amicus brief in the Emerson case defending our RKBA. Their efforts of filing a lawsuit against the mayors who are suing the gun manufacturers. And their no holds barred advertising campaign is second to none.

2. NRA. Although they do compromise to much for my tastes, they do have the largest membership and most lobbying power of any one out there. In addition through their Eddie Eagle and support for other programs to promote the shooting sports in a safe responsible manner, they are well worth supporting.

3. Gun Owners of America. Membership is small, but they do have some ex-political types who can get the message to our reps. I was really impressed with the clout that our CA office had in helping me to get in to see my legiscritter. Although it did not do any good to talk to her face to face, they were able to get me in, where I was unable to do so myself.

4. JPFO We should support them if for no other reason than they are a reminder to all of what can happen when governments have a monopoly on force. They also have more credibility when talking about this subject than anyone else would have.


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
I too am a member of JPFO though I'm not Jewish. Faith shouldn't matter. As a point in fact, I believe that it may be an advantage in that those who wouldn't hear the RKBA arguments may listen to this organization specifically because of the name of the group.
Don't forget the LEAA. This is a LEO/citizen organization that is also fighting on our side.
A good place to see why you should join JPFO would be:

Read up on Mordecai Anielewicz and then go to the "Images: The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising" link. Click on the picture of Mordecai Anielewicz. That baby faced young man held off the Nazis for twenty-eight days out of sheer determination to do as much damage to the Nazi war machine as he and the other freedom fighters could; prior to their own extermination.

That picture is one of my computer's wallpaper graphics. When people ask who he is, I tell them -- lest they forget.

Gun Control: The proposition that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and strangled with her own panty hose, is more acceptable than allowing that same woman to defend herself with a firearm.