Jesse "The Body" "The Governor" Ventura

Hold on, there! Only about 18% has reported so far. His view on gun ownership is a bit troublesome to me-on his webpage he states that he supports competency tests at the time of gun purchases and periodically afterwards.
true, but unless those 18% are from extremely demographicaly skewed precints, his 5% lead over the closest opposition should hold him.

Good or bad, he's going to be interesting.

besides, Switzerland has competency testing, maybe he's going to issue all able bodies Minnesotans a battle rifle and swear them into the militia.

..scratch that.. with 1/3rd reporting he now has a 6% lead over both of his competitors.

[This message has been edited by Rob (edited 11-03-98).]
Well, he won. I hear that he is a Former Navy SEAL, I'm not a wannabe and could care less, but that may have been a factor with some folks.

One of the few, very few, Democrats that I disagree with but respect is U.S. Senator Bob Kerrey from Nebraska. He was the first Navy SEAL to win the Congressional Medal of Honor. Like I said, I'm not a wannabe, but at least he is brave and fought for his country...

Gray Davis, the new Demo gov of Calif won a bronze star in Vietnam. He used to be pro-gun, but the last view months he parroted the Demo party line about guns...rhetoric? We can only wait and see.

Ventura does give hope to 3rd party development and non-politicians serving.
I dont think politicians should be granted these positions. We vote on who runs. the people who run are self promoting opportunists...
Elected leaders should be LEADERS.
Have the Electoral College - or some other commity select candidates from the comunity and the comunity votes for the best person... With the board providing facts sheets on why each candidates was selected... and we vote on merit... not rhetoric.
Just a thought...
That concept would have a lot of details to work out.
I am not a big fan of representative democracy any ways... If we want democracy - Why not DIRECT democracy? Seen the CNN Poles? Why not a direct voting by means of the internet and call-in ballots? There would be some technical details to work out - but it is doable... If we can get John Glenn up into orbit twice... we can do democracy DIRECTLY and do away with all these special interest groups and lobbyists. If they want the message heard they can run an add. Not subvert the officals and buy votes.
Yes, my suggestion would have some problems - but it would cut out all the corruption - and do away with Jerrymandering districts and all the other bullsh*t that goes on... all this stuff makes me Ill.
The state of politics in the US is ugly. I heard this point made somewhere recently :

These guys are often spending Millions of there own dollars to get jobs that pay at, at best, in the low 6 figures. You have to worry about anybody who needs to be in power that badly.
I'm not saying yay or nay. But, with a direct democracy, what would be different?
We have been governing by polls for at least 4 yrs. We'd still have emotionally driven ads on TV that appeal to the uninformed.

You still wouldn't get rid of re-districting, thats required due to population changes.

What we do need is an aggressively literalist(Constitutionally) Supreme Court that is apolitical; we need "truth in campaigning laws".
your right... leaving the driving up to the hairy unwashed masses of sheople is a frightening idea... I withdraw that idea!
Ever see Jay Leno when he goes out and asks basic questions to "the man on the street?"
God help us all...
A little too late for the idea of "Educating Everyone".
Oh well...

Yep, the Leno segments are a bit frightening until you consider the region his interviewees are from. A few months back he did a comparison segment, asking the same questions of folks from Chicago and his normal Hollywood fodder. Despite the weird accents (
), the Chicago folks were relative geniuses in comparison.
Never fear, some of us Cali residents do pray that when the "Big one" hits, it will do it in Los Angeles, hard!!
An apolitical Supreme Court?

I believe that an adjunct defense to the 2nd Amendment is protection of the Supreme Court. The Court should not be threatened as it was back in the '30s. President Roosevelt saw a succession of his alphabet soup programs successfully challenged as unconstitutional. Angered, he threatened to stack the court with enough justices so that his policies would be upheld.

For about 50 years, the Court then engaged in creating legal fiction to support the actions of the legislature and presidential policy. Our inherent system of check and balances was abolished in this manner. Unjust laws like Exec. Order 1066 which locked up Japanese American citizens during the war despite evidence that they posed no threat to national security and another which deported those who refused the loyalty oath (Fred Korematsu) were upheld as constitutional.

To prevent the polticization of the Supreme Court, I advocate a constitutional amendment which permanently limits the number of justices to their size. With the Supreme Court restored as a check against the legislature and the presidency, it will naturally gravitate towards being a more apolitical position. Enough soapbox.

So, any suggestion as to how we get Jesse Ventura to run for Senator in CA?
Almost every Governor has a "Governor's Hunt" it is a little publicized contest between the governors to put on the best hunt. There is a real history to it. I have been to a couple of them. I REALLY want to go Jesse's.
Well guys,as I live in Minnesota I guess I should put my two cents in. I voted for Jesse and the other two choices were "polititions" all the way. Jesse is more of a down to earth kinda guy. maybe he will make a differance.