Jerky time

Old Stony

New member
Finally got around to grinding up a couple deer legs. The wife has been bugging me for some jalapeno jerky....this bunch will get her attention.
Looking Good

Boy, does this bring back memories of when I was aggressively hunted deer. I live in the Midwest and every season, I froze one or two hams/rumps. Then In the summer, devoted 24hrs. to jerking and marinating. Then another day on the Weber. Low and slow with Shag-Bark. Basically had two recipes and saved some for the upcoming hunting season. Have to compliment your spouse on the recipe and I bet it's good. ..... :)

Be Safe !!!
If you have too much you could send some my way. :)

If you have too much you could send some my way.
Sorry guy...there is no such thing as too much ! I started a second batch early this morning, with a little Sweet Baby Ray's BBQ sauce added to it for a little sweetener.
Sorry about the huge pic, but using Imjur I guess I haven't figured out how to make the pic 's fit here.
Better to use that old venison for jerky than let it get freezer burnt.

When I find a couple overlooked packages of venison in the Ol' chest. I'll trim it up a little then cann it. Nothing better on a cold Minnesota evening than a Hot Venision {steak} sandwich~ mashed taters & gravy poured liberally over both. Uff~Da !!!

Haven't made venison jerky in quite awhile. "Too addicting."
I mostly use a packaged mix from Bass Pro anymore. Just dissolve the mix into 5 oz of water and mix with 5 lbs of ground meat. Really simple way to make jerky and tastes pretty good. Occasionally I mix a little something else with it, like the BBQ sauce or soy sauce just for something different. I have a simple grinder from Gander Mountain along with a jerky gun...and a dehydrator is pretty cheap too.
I like to do up at least 10 lbs of meat at a time, and throw it in the freezer in small zip lock bags.
There packaged mixes come in a variety of flavors, and the jalapeno is in powdered form in the mix. They also have things like cracked black pepper mixes, terriaki, plain traditional mixes, etc....
It sure makes it easy coming powdered that way, and it's easy to mix up the meat before dehydrating. I've tried different ways at jerky, and this just seems the easiest to me, and ends up with a good final product.
Bass Pro has a good variety of flavors and products for making jerky.
My old boss had given me one of their packages. Indeed it did turn out good. He had me do it in a fracked oven on low. I figured the next batch I'd do on my 55 gal drum pit, but he said I'd ruin it. I did it anyway over mequite and had some of the best jerky. It's been quite some time since I have hunted but now that the kiddo has grown up a bit I'm thinking it's about time to dust off the rust and look for a place to hunt again.
I was in our Ace Hardware this afternoon, and I noticed they have added jerky seasonings to their hunting section.
You can add a dehydrator to your kitchen goodies pretty reasonably, and do all kinds of stuff with them. Not just jerky, but you can dry all kinds of fruits, like apples, apricots, pears, etc....
Looks good. Jerry is the most delicious and inefficient way to enjoy Bambi imho. I'm told my oldest he could do what ever he wanted with his doe. His reply was "jerky". So everything but back strap and the tenderloin was sliced for jerky.

Man its good. A lot of work too.
