Jennings 9mm -- is it worth it?

David Scott

New member
I have read some pretty severe opinions of Jennings/Bryco pistols here, but I have a chance to pick up a Jennings 9mm with two 12 round mags for $100. Could there be some value here, or is a Jennings not worth the gas mileage to go pick it up?

Hmmm... maybe I could use it to practice clearing malfs. :)
I bought one, once...

...just for giggles. It would sometimes fire two whole magazines without a jam, but many brands of JHP's refused to feed at all.

Ask me about my Hi-Point... ;)
I'd hold off and buy a Makarov. From the prices people have been mentioning on here, it is competitively priced and a lot better gun.

Still, every gun owner I know has ended up with a Lorcin, Jennings, Bryco, etc. - at least temporarily. I guess everyone is curious to verify for themselves the horrible quality of these guns.
Sure, they're worth it

Consider it your $100 pet rock.

Seriously, if you're looking for a reliable, low cost semi-auto, the Makarov is the way to go. My Mak experience is limited to the one my father got for Christmas, but danged if that little bad boy didn't eat everything we fed it.

Great guns!

I have trained over 600 people to qualify for CCW permits. Every Jennings I have seen in those classes would not make it through the 15 round qualifications course reliabily.
If reliability isn't important, consider that their sights stink and the trigger pull sucks.
Still, it's your money.
OK, you all convinced me. The money stays in my wallet -- until a deal comes along. Seems I let deals slip by all the time. There was a Heritage Stealth 9mm in the paper for $100, it was gone when I called. A friend of mine snapped up an S&W 65 for $170 before I could get there. I could have had a Mossberg 500 pump gun with the folding stock and extended mag tube for $200 if I'd been quicker on my feet.

Heck, if I'd managed to snag every deal I ever saw, I'd be cash poor but better armed than most third world nations.
For the same money you could get a Hi-Point 9mm compensated with 2 mags (8 & 10 round), and regardless of all the prejudice shown Hi-Point they are EASILY worth it and more!Of course the Makarov would also be a good bet if you can get past the funky trigger.:)

I agree Jennings are junk guns, but the one I tried was reliable (I shot 3 magazines through it with no troubles). That might not be enough to get a full picture of reliabilty, but I would at least try one out before discounting it.
You wisely saved your money. Quantum Singularity, the only problem with him "trying" it is that he'd be stuck with it! :)
You wisely saved your money. Quantum Singularity, the only problem with him "trying" it is that he'd be stuck with it!

I meant he should try renting or borrowing a friend's Jennings to see for himself the lack of quality in Jennings pistols.
I'm in favour of a liberal gov't program to distribute Jennings and Lorcin products in high-crime areas, free to all residents. Kinda like the condom giveaways at high school nurse's offices. That way if the gang bangers aren't going to practice abstinence, they're at least less likely to do harm to someone. :D

You could always get a Davis Derringer for around that price. Say what you want about only two single action shots through that small barrel, but you know it is gonna go boom, and in the proper direction.
Just break down and get a real gun. This is a classic example of getting what you pay for.

Even if it happens to cycle flawlessly (about as likely as finding sh** that doesn't stink), I would seriously doubt it would have much of a life span if fired regularly. Take a look at some of the "worst gun" threads.
I thnk everyone should buy at least one "junk gun". After throwing they're money away on this junk, they'll be more likely to appreciate true quality (and be willing to pay for it).

I agree that a Mak is the best gun for little money...
Just say NO!

I learned the hard way myself. I had a .380 and a 9mm. The .380 was never reliable (light primer strikes). I thought that the 9mm was ok as it had never failed to fire until about the 500th round or so when it did fail to fire. When I removed the magazine, springs fell out in my hand!

It was a lesson learned well. My local dealer gave me back almost everything I paid for the guns and I purchased a S&W 5906 and a Taurus PT111 and have never looked back.
Lots of jennings in Central America. here in Costa Rica there seems to be lots of them sold. i looked at a jennings once. that was enough ,i'll stick with my glocks,kimber and taurus

We're not kidding about the Makarovs. They are a military grade pistol that can be had in good working order for under $150.00. Solid steel (not zinc) that feeds reliably, shoots accurately, and is safe to carry.

Also, there are good used .38 revolvers for under $200.00. Ultra reliable, accurate self-defense guns.

Just my .02.
