Jennifer campaign successful

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
A few days ago I posted a call to contact
a Mr. Hutchinson in NY to convince him to
allow a young woman of outstanding quality
to appear with her rifle in the school picture.

The effort was a success. The details are
post of Tx.guns by Jim Nicholson of the TSRA.

Thanks for those who wrote

Where can we find out more about this? Could you post a link?

Sounds like a victory we'd all like to know about.


"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website

"Help a young marksman..." thread in Legal/Political

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Here's the story - I forgot where I posted it. Glenn

Success!!! As a follow up to Ray Carney's crusade for Jennifer Bono, I
post the latest below. Today I was looking through a magazine and saw a
picture of Jennifer Bono and her trusty rifle. I promise you that anyone
would be proud to have this lass for a sister or daughter. Thanks to the
many of you that helped Jennifer.
Subject: Jennifer wins her case . . .
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 21:24:56 -0500
From: "Ray Carney" <>
Organization: Microsoft Corporation
To: "Jennifer Bono" <>, "ASRA" <>
Date: Wed, 5 Jan 2000 21:24:56 -0500

Ray Carney wrote:

On behalf of Jennifer Bono, thanks for your support. Your letters to her
school were rational and civil. School authorities agree that Jennifer
will have her graduation yearbook include an informal photo of her with
her trophies and gear, to include her competition rifle, an AR15 HBAR.

Letters came from as far away as the Philippines, and Australia, from
practically every state in the union, from Canada and Mexico, and from
people from all walks of life. Doctors, Lawyers, Indian Chiefs;
Grandmothers, Juniors, National Champions, Judges, Professors, College
Coaches, and of course, our Military. It was most impressive. Now,
please do the same cross-posting of this E-Mail as you did with my
original. It is important that everyone involved knows the final result.

In case you think the term Superkid was an exaggeration, I just got word
from another NYS Junior, Jaime Cervini; she has been accepted at West
Point. We have another lad going there too. Another lad enters Wharton
Business School at Penn State, and yet another a NYC University. So much
for children and firearms, Mr. Hutchinson.
Jim Nicholson -
"After that confrontation, the force proceeded to Concord and destroyed
what arms could be found. The farmers and other residents then shot and
killed many of the force on its return march to Boston. It is difficult
to believe that these same citizens would have endorsed a Constitution
that would have authorized the national government to do precisely the
same thing." (TSRA amicus brief: US Vs Emerson
Lots of folks on have been bombardng this guy with very reasonsbale letters.

It's great to have even a small victory like this. If anyone can find it, please post a pic of this outstanding young woman, with her AR.


GOA, TSRA, LEAA, NRA, SAF and I vote!