Jeez... I'm TIRED!


New member
So I wrote a couple of our elected officials regarding the National Parks Carry situation.

Then I wrote regarding Sullivan

Then I wrote regarding

Then wrote a brief editiorial about the Abingdon, va incident.

Whew... I'm tired but I'm on a roll, who do I write next???
I have a good friend that's a well respected attorney in another town; Duke University Juris Doctor, and certified (or whatever they call it) to argue and had argued cases before the Supreme Court. We talked long about that, and he made sure I understood that cases that make it there aren't 100% decided as a matter of law. They have a political dimension of unpredictable size.

I won't be shocked if we don't get a clean victory out of this case, and that's assuming it receives a grant of certiorari and that's by no means certain. It could happen, but I'd expect something that reduces governments at all levels total bans on firerms and other of the most onerous restrictions, but I'd be very shocked if they struck down most guns laws including the Brady law and other semi- or outright registration schemes. The BATFAE won't be out of business.
It seems to me that it makes logical sense to carry a firearm when you venture into the woods, State Park or otherwise, since help(Law Enforcement Officials) would be hard pressed to get to you in time if something happened AND there's wild animals that might also attack and you'd have to defend against. I can't understand why such an illogical law exsists in the first place.

"It seems to me that it makes logical sense to carry a firearm when you venture into the woods, State Park or otherwise, since help(Law Enforcement Officials) would be hard pressed to get to you in time if something happened AND there's wild animals that might also attack and you'd have to defend against. I can't understand why such an illogical law exsists in the first place."

Yeah, I've wondered about that too. As a rule, bears don't respond well to sincere and supportive conflict resolution techniques...