Jarvis Barrels

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New member
I am thinking about getting a fitted Jarvis barrel for my G35. A couple of guys over at Glock Talk indicated they have heard some bad things about Jarvis barrels. I called Jarvis and they indicated the fitted barrel will produce accuracy of 1.25 to 1.5 inch groups at 25 yards.

Any of you guys know anything about Jarvis barrels? Are they any good? Should I wait three months for a BarSto? Help.
I have no experience with Jarvis, although I have heard good and bad comments about them.

I have a Barsto barrel for my 32C, and its awesome (has 2 vertical comp cuts, and 2 horizontal cuts up front). I ordered the barrel, it was done 6 weeks later (short wait at the time)-when I received it, it looked a little short and fit a little tight. So I called Barsto, they said to send the gun in with the barrel to have a look- a week later I had my gun back with a spanking new barrel (guess they trashed the other one) that looks great, fits great, and is accurate as can be. They didn't tell me they were going to replace the barrel- great company, great product. I'm not surprised they have a 3 month wait. Look at it this way, good things come to those that wait. Good luck.

[This message has been edited by JG (edited November 05, 1999).]
I have a G19 with a fitted Jarvis barrel.The accuracy increase over stock was only marginal. Customer service was not very good. I also had a Jarvis drop in for a USP 9 that wasn't as accurate as the stock barrel. On the other hand I had a G22 with a BarSto drop in which was very good but a long wait for the barrel. The best I have owned was a G23 with KKM drop in which was a tack driver and 100% reliable. It is now owned by a local college student and it's accuracy is still the talk of the local campus. KKM also has excellent customer service. Check them out.
While I have no experience with KKM, I'd wholeheartedly endorse Tom's report on their performance. A shooting buddy of mine has one in his G30, and is extremely pleased with its performance. I've never seen a bad word written about KKM on the several forums that I visit.

I had a miserable experience in trying to get info from Jarvis about a .40 Super barrel. Bar-Sto, on the other hand, was prompt and professional in their replies to my e-mail.

I personally get excellent performance from my compensated .400 Cor-bon Accu-Match barrel. When I blew up my first Accu-Match barrel (my fault), they replaced the barrel and comp free.

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