Japanese secret service carrying revolvers?


New member
Just looking at some of the pictures from the awful assassination of former prime minister Shinzo Abe in Japan today. One of his security detail was apprehending the assassin and it appears that the security person is carrying a revolver. See pic. I’m I seeing this correctly?


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The standard police handgun in Japan is the Smith & Wesson M360J, a contract version of the Chief's Special Airweight .38 Special.
Looks like their version of Secret Service gets it too.
He was no longer actually in government. Rent a cops?

US Presidential candidates and their spouses get secret service protection
within 120 days of an election, and former presidents get it for the rest of
their life.
He was a former prime minister and campaigning---probably not rent a cops.
The news is saying it was a mix of Prefectural Police (think county police) and Tokyo metro. Rent a cops in Japan are likely not going to be armed.
US Presidential candidates and their spouses get secret service protection
within 120 days of an election, and former presidents get it for the rest of
their life.
He was a former prime minister and campaigning---probably not rent a cops.
You lost me.What do US Secret Service protocols have to do with Japan?
I wish I could figure out that gun holster combination. Uniformed cops in Japan, as has been mentioned, carry 2” S&W’s. That looks like 3-4”.

Can’t tell if it’s K or J.

The holster really intrigues me too. Suede or rough out. And that strap at the bottom. With Tape?
I wish the jacket had revealed even a little bit more. There seems to be an unused slot at the top of the holster, too. My best guess is that it's either a convertible holster or it started out as a shoulder holster, and that strap on the bottom is a belt loop for securing the bottom of the holster to a belt when it's worn as a shoulder hoster.
Actually Japanese carry this spectacular copy of a functional revolver!…New Nambu M60

I believe this is the only police pistol in Japan. I have lived in semi-rural and urban Japan for about 4 years during the 2000’s. I visited regularly from the late 90’s through about 2020.

I’ve seen a lot of them in the holster. Always wanted to strike up a conversation with a local cop about it and look at it closer, but I’m sure they would view me as a terrorist even asking.

I have never seen a Japanese police officer with a Smith & Wesson M360J or the Sig P230. I do see information online saying they have these. These guns have not made it into the hands any police officer I’ve ever seen.

I had a good Japanese friend….I tried to explain CCW to him, but it was like I was speaking English! It just could not be comprehended. I gave up before trying to explain reloading. I probably said I make ammo and shoot guns. He was very open minded and still spoke to me after that!
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Fairly certain I saw a few Smiths traveling through Narita airport but looking at that Nambu I don't think I could have told the difference with it holstered and me walking fast. Not directly related to the thread but I recall a LOT more working dogs in the airports in Japan than here, mostly beagles and labs.