Japanese Nambu's addition


That's a Type 04, the early version, correct?

I've always wanted a Nambu, but I've never had the money when I've found a nice cone.
Welcome to TFL lkgmadmax

3 different 14's? (add 1925 to the date) and I see one made in Kokura Feb. '29, one made Nagoya Aug. '37 and I think the last one is a Nagoya Oct '44... but don't quote me on that. Not an expert. Someone wiser than I will come along and correct me I'm sure.

Nice little collection you have there sir. Thank you for sharing. All in great condition.
Thanks for the feed back and comments guys.

Mike: These are Nambu "Type 14's"
Baba: Your are correct on the dates. The system used to date these is 1925 plus the first number which is year, the 2nd number is the month.

The following site has examples on just about each year of production with a lot of really informative information, it's a great site!

The Type 14 was adopted in 1925, the 14th year of Emperor Taisho's reign, and production began in November of the next year with pistols dated 15.11. But only a very few (probably under 100) were made before the Emperor Hirohito succeeded to the throne on December 25, 1926 and most Type 14's show a date of manufacture dated from his (Showa) reign, so a pistol dated 16.11 would have been made in November (11th month) of 1941. (Even though Hirohito reigned for only six days in 1926, it is considered Year 1 of his rule, so the 16th year would be 1941. For convenience, it is common to add the Showa year to 1925.)

They are pretty nice. I was heavy into collecting the rifles for years. I never drifted into the handguns because of the hassle with the ammo. I think there is probably more stuff available now.
Lots of reloading gear and load data out there, and ammo is being made by both Prvi Partisan and Fiocchi for quite a few formerly impossible to find cartridges.