Japanese disappointment today...


New member
Bear season opens tomorrow. I've been dragging my feet finding a fitting load for my Arisaka type 44 carbine and finally got the chance to test my last ditch loads today. using 34.5 grains of IMR 4064 behind 140 grain Nosler Accubonds my loads chrono'd out to only 2,225 FPS, over 150 FPS slower than sierra's data and 400 FPS slower than hornady(apparently hornady is fond of 32 inch barreled test guns to make their data sound better than the rest). still, despite lower velocity than I had hoped, these loads still hold 1,000 FTLBS and 1800 FPS(minimum recommended velocity for accubonds) out to 275 yards, well beyond any shot I expect to take while hunting. also, despite lower velocity, these are tack driver loads. every shot I fired at 200 and 400 yards nailed an oxygen tank that my range has posted every 100 yards out to 500 so I am more than thrilled with the accuracy of these loads.

today I also took my type 99 out at well along with a box of Grafs brand ammo because... well lets face it, paying 9 dollars to shoot a handful of rounds is just moronic. the type 99 did well enough at 200 yards but consistently missed to the left at the 400 yard tank. chronographing also showed 2400 FPS, much slower than I expected from a 150 grain bullet out of a 30 cal. the aperture sights are also pretty terrible, I never thought I would say this but I would much prefer the mauser style sights on the type 44.
anyone know if it's possible to adjust windage on the t99?
the aperture sights are also pretty terrible, I never thought I would say this but I would much prefer the mauser style sights on the type 44.
anyone know if it's possible to adjust windage on the t99?

I'm really not a fan of aperture sights either but I can usually do okay with my Type 99. I've taken two deer with it so far but its hard to get decent groups on paper because of the sights. You should be able to slide the front sight in its dovetail to adjust for windage.
I love peeps but normally the Peep is located on the rear of the receiver rather than the rear of the barrel. peeps are a great concept but the Japs must have missed the memo that unless the peep is close to the shooters eye the sight picture is worse, not better.
type 99 did well enough at 200 yards but consistently missed to the left at the 400 yard tank.

Yes. If you're hitting left drift the front sight to the left.
I agree completely, but since we're talking drift I have a question:
If you're hitting at 200 and left at 400, could there be a variance in wind between 200 and 400? Just asking.
I'm shooting at oxygen tanks of identical size at 2 different ranges. it's close enough to zero to hit the target at 200 yards but not close enough to hit the target at 400.

switching back and forth between the type 44 and type 99 the 44 hit both targets every time, the type 99 could not hit at 400 and I had a hard enough time making out the target with the type 99 sights, no less adjusting windage.
If you want to adjust the sights you really need a proper target. For the T-99 a 10 moa black circle works for me.
considering that a 10 inch wide tank at 400 yards amounts to 2.5 MOA of lateral play, I would deem that an acceptable target. at that range I could care less what it does up at down, different loads will likely change POI greatly.
Ok, I"ll stir the pot.
My Arisaka Type 99 (Kokura 22 series) is about a 1.5-2 MOA rifle. Your exactly right, the sights are not ideal. I actually liked my type38 carbine sights better.
Anyhow, I noticed that it was a 1.5-2 MOA rifle for the first shot but subsequent shots walk up and right after it heats up. I loosened the 3 screw cap on the end of my barrel and it stopped doing that.
Is it possible that the nose piece on your barrel stock is too tight?
hmm... I never would have thought of that. the shots seem to hit the same spot consistently(judging from the dust clouds) but then again my weatherby vanguard has the same problem from first to follow up shots though it walks straight up and down. I might just try loosening it and see if that fixes it, thanks.
I still think you need to try a proper target and then look at where the holes are after you shoot.

If you can accurately tell where you're hitting by dust clouds on a sloped surface from 200+ yards away, your eyes are calibrated much better than mine. :)