Janet Reno


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While watching the news tonight I learn that Janet Reno is pushing for more gun control. She now says she wants all of us to pass a competency test prior to being allowed to purchase a firearm. The report did not go into detail about how this would be accomplished, but it sounds like a licensing plan. Anybody know any more about this?
Not sure how long the AP Link will remain valid, so here is the text:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Reno Wants Proof Buyers Can Use Guns
By Laurie Asseo
Associated Press Writer
Sunday, August 15, 1999; 3:10 p.m. EDT

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Attorney General Janet Reno wants a requirement that prospective gun buyers be required to prove they have the knowledge, ability and inclination to use weapons safely and legally.

``I'd have them take a written and manual test demonstrating that they know how to safely and ... to lawfully use it under state law,'' the attorney general said Sunday on CNN's ``Late Edition'' program. ``And I would have a background check that would make sure they had evidenced the willingness and capacity to do so.''

She said her proposal was based on common sense, adding, ``I think it would have a real impact, because now people can possess a weapon without knowing how to use it.''

Reno told of a friend who got a gun for self-protection.

``I said, `Do you know how to use that thing?' She said no. I said, `Take it back. You're going to be more dangerous with it than without it,''' the attorney general said.

Reno, who offered the idea of licensing gun owners in April after the Colorado school shootings, could not say if such a law would have prevented last week's shootings at a Los Angeles Jewish community center.

``But if we have one law that focuses on the user, ensures that they have the capacity and the knowledge to use it safely and lawfully, then we can really go after people who possess a gun without a license, because there is no excuse,'' she added. ``Be licensed, know how to use it, and I think we could have a far greater impact in the whole area of gun violence.''

President Clinton has been seeking to strengthen the nation's gun laws and expand hate crimes legislation, but he has made no formal proposal regarding Reno's idea of licensing gun owners.

Asked about the gun lobby's argument that the Constitution's Second Amendment protects an absolute right to bear arms, the attorney general said: ``We have freedom of speech ... but not freedom to yell `fire' in a crowded theater falsely, and I think that we have got to look at each of our constitutional rights and make sure that they are balanced.''

Reno would not say whether federal or state charges would be pursued first against Buford O. Furrow Jr., the white supremacist accused of wounding five people at the Los Angeles Jewish center on Tuesday and of killing a Filipino-American postal worker later that day.

The attorney general said the Justice Department would confer with local authorities to determine a course of action. She also said it was too early to say whether her department would seek the death penalty in the killing of the postal worker.

Asked whether the Justice Department should investigate more aggressively groups likely to be involved in hate crimes, Reno said her department would vigorously use its authority to pursue investigations that appeared to involve criminal conduct.

``But I don't think we should go after somebody if there is no indication of criminal conduct,'' she said.

Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder, appearing on CBS' ``Face the Nation,'' said the Justice Department needs to ``see whether or not we are doing all that we can to effectively monitor these hate groups.''

© Copyright 1999 The Associated Press[/quote]

Aye an' a bit of Mackeral settler rack and ruin Ran it doon by the haim, 'ma place. Well I slapped me and I slapped it doon in the side and I cried, cried, cried.

The fear a fallen down taken never back the raize and then Craig Marion, get out wi' ye Claymore out mi pocket a' ran doon, doon the middin stain picking the fiery horde that was fallen around ma feet.

Never he cried, never shall it ye get me alive ye rotten hound of the burnie crew. Well I snatched fer the blade. O my Claymore cut and thrust and I fell doon before him round his feet.

Aye! A roar he cried frae the bottom of his heart that I would nay fall but as dead, dead as 'a can be by his feet; de ya ken?...and the wind cried back.

Thank you.
I wouldn't be surprised to see Reno resign (for medical reasons) before long. Her statements about having to know how to use a gun to buy one don't seem to jibe with the current administration's focus on banning guns. And she certainly has a medical problem (Parkinson's).
``I said, `Do you know how to use that thing?' She said no. I said, `Take it back. You're going to be more dangerous with it than without it,''' the attorney general said.

Uh huh. She claims she insists on training, but when her own friend wants a gun for defense, Reno suggested disarming over training. When faced with reality, she actively preferred ignorance and vulnerability over education and strength.

Ok, so ya gotta pass a test to buy a gun. How is a new shooter going to get a gun to learn with?
It's a trick to keep people from getting guns. Can you say Catch 22?
geneb - Better put on your nomex suit, you're gonna need it.

I don't need permission (a permit of any type) to exercise my constitutional rights.
'Take it back. You're going to be more dangerous with it than without it.' - so, Reno's focus is how dangerous her friend is, not how much danger her friend is in? Very charitable. Certainly the wise advice was to simply suggest training for her friend. Of course, that requires logic and honesty.

'... and I think that we have got to look at each of our constitutional rights and make sure that they are balanced.' - how nice. Now we have a U.S. Attorney General balancing our Constitutional rights for us. Well, some of us think they are a bit out of balance, but I suspect Janet wouldn't consider expanding the 2nd instead of destroying it. And, if she wants to use the old 'crying fire in a crowded theater' metaphor, then I think the appropriate RKBA analogy is to use a firearm to commit a crime - and, nothing more. What a pompous, elitist fascist b***h.

If Reno is so hot on this concept, and if handguns are their big concern, then golly gee - why don't they encourage concealed carry permits at the federal level? What a pile of BS.

Personally, everytime I hear any member of this administration float an absurd idea I regard it as exactly that - Reno is testing the waters, so Bill needn't get his toes damp.

And, as far as Janet retiring, that will certainly happen in the next year. But, I think that will be a natural consequence of Bill's administration running down next year. I believe she has been Clinton's model 'soldier', taking the heat and arrows when called upon. She does disgust me, and I rarely can stand listening to her prattle.

If we're going to have 'competency testing', I would suggest we start with administering such a test to our next prospective U.S. Attorney General. The standards are clearly too low at this time.

Regards from AZ.
I can just picture my Dad "asking" for a learner's permit for me and 7 yrs later for my brother ;)

"oh the horror" LOL

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!

Janet and Joselyn...separated at birth??? :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>If we're going to have 'competency testing', I would suggest we start with administering such a test to our next prospective U.S. Attorney General. The standards are clearly too low at this time.[/quote]

Jeff, I couldn't agree more!
I agree. I liked the post recently about what to use for home defense andd one of the posts said he had a picture of Janet Reno taking a shower tacked to his front door, guaranteed to repel anybody.

Well, let's look at this "freedom of speech doesn't allow you to cry 'FIRE' in a crowded theater" theory. It sort of fits.

If, under the first amendment, we have freedom of speech, and speech is not licensed, why don't people run around shouting "FIRE" in crowded theaters.

What she is proposing is analogous to licensing speech! If a rash of people shouting "FIRE" in crowded theaters were to occur, based on thier approach to the second amendment, what should anyone think thier response would be? We must license your larnyx? ...

People don't yell "FIRE" in a crowded theater because there is the threat of enforcement, or because they know it is a stupid thing to do! ...

I know I haven't stated this very eloquently, but it would seem to me that there is a way to point out this ridiculous disparity in treatment of the two "rights" to the press themselves.
Im sorry but some of you folks are making very rational arguments. Rational arguments are wasted on clintonians.

Better days to be,

I might consider it if it came with a FEDERAL CCW permit. After all, you will have proved that you are qualified!
TR, you stated it perfectly.

DC, I think you're on to something. Alternatively, perhaps Janet and Rosie were separated at birth? ;)
If the targets provided for this proposed "competency" test were facsimiles of our distinguished AG and her boss, I know I would have NO trouble maxing the exam!
Maybe soon you'll have to pass a swimming test before you can buy a pool. So many noin swimmers drown so if we can just save one child its worth it, right?