Janet Reno is in trouble?

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
I caught just a bit of a news report last night... been camping this weekend and out of touch.

The report was talking about people wanting Reno FIRED... And they had a couple Senators calling for her head! I was shocked!
Pleased - but very surprised.
They mentioned WACO and her SPECIAL INVESTIGATORS and her dependance on POLITICAL CONCERNS.

Are we seeing some light at the end of the RENO TUNNEL?

"Supreme authority derives from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farsicle aquatic ceremony."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac

I am pretty amused that she is so unabashedly (but predictably) passing the buck on the WACO incident. She's almost as "precious" as her boss, don't you think? I'm sure you have read this story, but if you haven't, check out: www.washtimes-weekly.com/stories/top.html

I'm a little optimistic that something pretty good may come out of this. On the other hand, I guess I'll believe it when I see it.

Best regards,


P.S. I just read that Ms. Reno has offered John Danforth--a former AG from Missouri and (I think) a very independent, forthright Republican--the independent prosecutor job on Waco. At first blush, that sounds very un-Reno like. I can't believe Danforth has anywhere near the potential of a Ken Starr to be undermined by liberals in Congress.

[This message has been edited by MLT (edited September 07, 1999).]
MLT - I think this is the same John Danforth who was Senator from Missouri for a long time. He was related to a good friend and we would go over to his office at lunch time to chat. He is very intelligent and will make a very good IP, with emphasis on independence. That is assuming JR carries out her intentions.
I'll bet some peon or Louis Freeh gets the collar. If Reno goes down, she has lots to take with her. Klinkton owes her alot, unless he has some dirt on her.

You're right, it is former Sen Danforth, a statesmans that our friends from Missouri can be very proud of. I can hardly believe that he is JR's first choice! He might just nail her (and possibly Louis Freeh) to a cross.

As a Minnesotan, we have bragging rights to Gov. Jesse Ventura, who (to his credit) has publicly come out in favor of concealed carry. (Minnesota is among the minority of hold out states.)

Best regards,

[This message has been edited by Oscar (edited September 07, 1999).]
Someone at work today commented that I obviously didn't care much for Clinton. After I affirmed their curiosity they asked what I thought about Janet Reno.

I said I didn't like him much either.

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy!


P.S. I keep a picture of JR over the kitchen table - I'm trying to lose a few pounds - that's some appetite suppressant!!
What is it called when Federal agents raid a home, machinegun the occupants, burn the place to the ground, and bulldoze the ruins?


Renovation hits the nail on the head. But I dont think Johnny has anything to worry about. Danforth is just another corporate politico and was silent like all the rest of the goy when Waco burned. what makes you think anything will change? Big Comrade is still Imperator and will never allow anything serious to happen to Reno or the Federal Bureau Of Incineration. All this is diversions for the republicans to look like patriots with the blessings of our Imperial Leader. What theater while theRoman, I mean american Republic burns to the ground. And the Dictatorship keeps growing stronger by the day.