Jan. Price Increase?


New member
I was at my local gun shop & range talking about purchasing a new pistol.

During the course of this discussion, he said that starting in January, gun makers will implement a $100 price increase on their guns. He did not mention the reason for the increase. I can only assume it has to do with the lawsuits.

Have any of you heard of such a price increase?
Yeah sure, all the time, it's called salesmanship. Frighten the buyer into buying to avoid the (choose one): price increase, banning of the particular gun, manufacturer changing the model so it can accept only 10 round magazines etc,etc.

Same type of sales gimmick that has spread the rumor that Glock is stopping civilian sales, that Colt is out of the Handgun business, that Remington is bankrupt and has stopped shipping guns.

Gun dealers are among the sleaziest people around, they are masters of the big lie. Now that the year 2000 is here they no longer have a sales impetus to sell guns in volume, so they have to come up with something new.

Geoff Ross
Uh-huh. Beware of the BS that speweth from gun store clerks mouths. Yes, the end result of all of these lawsuits will probably be increased prices. The guy behind the gun counter at the local gun store has no idea when or how much. Think about it.

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper
Gee, now that you mention it, he also said availability of Glocks was low because of a government contract they were fulfilling.

Accually, most companies do have price increases at the beginning of each new year. But $100? Nah, maybe 2 or 3% but no where near that much.
One gun store here, with very reasonable prices, had signs up for a while telling about an expected price increase on Dec 4th. I haven't been in to see how big the increase was. This was due to the increased price of shipping guns via UPS.

Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other, and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked.
Nehemiah 4:17,18
Yes, it is BS. Granted, prices may go up for any number of reasons, yet, from what I read, the firearms market is still in a slump, so shop around for a better deal. Remember though that the profit margin on firearms is low for licensed dealers. Rather than considering only price, ask about service after the sale. A fair dealer will be there to help a customer should there be any questions about warranty or repairs.

I usually try to direct my purchases to retailers who are there for me if and when I need their support. In addition, I prefer to shop in stores where the sales staff is polite, well-groomed in a conservative manner (no camo outfits, long hair, or beards), and well-informed regarding the product. Since I read a lot about firearms and practice with as many different ones as I can legally obtain, I know BS when I hear it. I take my business elsewhere when I am treated rudely or just don't like the atmosphere of a certain establishment.

It only takes one bullet to change your life.
B.S. If anything, it's likely to go down. After the Y2K panics fizzle, a lot of people who purchased for TEOTWAWKI will decide they no longer need those firearms and start selling to get some money back.
...and when they do, I'll be there with a big ol' grin.

"What?! Joe Schmo only offered you $250 for that never-fired AR-15?! I'll give you $300 *and* a sixer of Shiner Bock!"

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
February is a GOOD Time to catch a sale in Colorado. (even places like garts clear the ware houses for newer model stuff). Watch the sale papers and the want ads in jan-feb.

Of note...

Every year RUGER shuts down production to re-tool, so at ceratain times of the year a particular ruger may be hard to find in your area, be patient RUGER is still making guns hand over fist.
