James Bond Pistolo


I recently saw the new James Bond flick(quite good I might ad) and wondered what Bond has replaced his trusty PPK with. I have been out of guns for a while and am not sure. It looks like an HK. Thanks
Vell, the exploding pistol in the beginning was probably an HK. I didn't get too great a look at it, but the lines were about right. The one he carried was a Walther of some sort. the rather lardy fellow identified it as a PPK, but that may just be for the sake of tradition. the one that he borrowed toward the end was a 1911 of some sort.
Just talked to HK about this.
They have stated officially and for the record:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>HK PISTOLS DO NOT EXPLODE. EVER.[/quote]


"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
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enumerated in the U.S. Constitution.
Both the exploding one and the one he used later were both Walther P99's

I own two of them, One is the James Bond MI6 limited edition. and another is a shooter. Weird trigger pull, but otherwise a great gun!

Well, i didn't get a really great look, since it's hard to pause a theatre movie, but the one in the beginning looked a lot bigger and bulkier than the one he carried later on.